Good Protein Smoothies For Weight Gain

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You’re Drinking A Smoothie Before A Workout Instead Of Afterward

High Protein Smoothie Recipe To Gain Weight Fast

Personal trainer and fitness expert Jerry Snider says drinking a smoothie before exercising is almost guaranteed to make you gain weight. How come? This strategy is used for people who are looking to build a lot of muscle, not so much for someone who wants to shed some weight.6254a4d1642c605c54bf1cab17d50f1e

“When you work out, the body first looks to the digestive system for energy. If there is anything in the digestive system to pull energy from, it will get used up first. Then the body will transition to burning stored fat, but the process can take some time,” he says. “Most people looking to lose weight won’t work out long enough to have their body transition from burning the smoothie to burning fat.”

It’s smarter to work up a sweat on an empty stomach and then have a protein-packed smoothie afterward as your breakfast, lunch, or dinner, dependent on the time of day.

How To Store Extra Smoothie

The most obvious option to store your leftover smoothie is in the refrigerator. If you do this, you should finish it the same day. You will need to either re-blend with more liquid or stir in extra milk because the oats will expand and thicken your smoothie.

Another option for storage of your leftover 1000 calorie smoothie is the freezer. Although it will take longer to thaw, the smoothie should stay good for about a month. You could also make leftover smoothie into high calorie freezer pops as a cool treat for later.

Protein Shakes Vs Protein Powder

Protein shakes offer a clear benefit over protein powders in terms of convenience. Unlike powders, shakes dont require any mixing on your part. They come ready to drink right out of the container, so you dont need to worry about carrying around a shaker bottle. This also means you dont have to worry about improper mixing resulting in you drinking big clumps of protein powder. Pre-made protein shakes are easier to keep cold too, since the containers tend to fit in small work and office fridges better than shaker bottles and there is less chance of them leaking if knocked over.

The downside to pre-made protein shakes is that they are notably more expensive than protein powders. While it is not uncommon to find protein powders that cost 50 cents to $1 per serving, protein shakes often cost double that.

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What To Avoid Adding To Your Smoothie

Generally, you dont want to put water or ice cubes in a high-calorie smoothie because water has zero calories, so it will not help you gain weight and will only occupy volume.

Instead of water, you can add milk, yogurt, or juice to your smoothie because these liquids are higher in calories.

Regarding ice cubes, you can replace them in your smoothie by putting frozen juice in the ice-cube tray or by adding frozen fruits. Alternatively, you can use frozen milk or some half-and-half.

As a good example of how to make a high-calorie smoothie, here is 25-year-old Laura Leth blending her daily weight gain drink:

How To Make Oats Smoothie For Weight Gain

Get Weight Gain Smoothies With Protein Powder Pictures ...

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Are you struggling with weight gain? What if you could use an Oats smoothie to gain weight quickly and in a healthy way?

Today were looking at oat smoothies and why theyre some of the best

Also Check: Best Blender For Smoothie Bowls

Adding Calories For Weight Gain

Gaining weight can be just as challenging as losing weight. People who have naturally thin frames or fast metabolisms may find it particularly difficult. The basic strategy for gaining weight is to increase your calorie intake above your calorie expenditure. A caloric surplus means your body has extra energy and raw materials that it can use to build muscle and support other physiological functions.

However, a caloric surplus can also lead to fat gain if you’re not careful. To prevent this, you have to increase your caloric intake gradually, choose the right foods and engage in the right type of exercise program. Typically, an increase of 250 to 500 calories per day is a good place to start. After a few weeks, assess your results and see if you need to further increase your calorie intake.


If you are recovering from illness, you should talk to your doctor about the best way to gain weight and how many calories you need each day.

Dangers Of Protein Shakes For Weight Gain

Protein shakes for weight gain are recommended when your caloric need is higher than the amount of calories youre taking in. Eating whole foods is always the top choice, but oftentimes store-bought shakes are recommended by a physician or trainer when its too difficult for you to get necessary calories specifically protein through food.

So, whats the big deal? Why shouldnt you just guzzle these down one or two times a day? Well, the main problem is that many of these products are highly processed and contain harmful components such as added sugar or hydrogenated oils, which can lead to high cholesterol, inflammation, diabetes, and heart disease. In addition, they have manufactured vitamins and minerals that may not be as well-absorbed as natural versions.

Check out this comparison of a standard store-bought strawberry protein shake for weight gain versus our 8fit Chocolate, Strawberry and Peanut Butter Smoothie. Which ingredients do you trust?

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How Much Protein Should You Put In Your Muscle Gain Shake

How much protein do you need in your post-workout smoothie? Try for between 0.14 and 0.23 grams of protein per pound of body weight. If you are looking to gain muscle mass, then lean toward the higher end of the spectrum. For example, a 170-pound person can add as much as 39.1 grams of protein to their post-workout smoothie.

What happens if you add even more protein to your smoothie? Will you get even greater muscle gains? Nope. Your body can only process so much protein. Any excess that you consume will be passed through your urine. Thats not a very good use of your high protein smoothie. Also, eating especially high amounts of protein could result in kidney stones. Yikes!

One last thing to consider iscarbs! No matter what the latest diet craze says, carbs are not the enemy. In fact, you need them to refuel your glycogen after your workout. When adding carbs to your post-workout smoothie for muscle gain, look for complex carbs. Many vegetables and certain fruits can be excellent sources for low-glycemic index carbs.

Ready to try some tasty muscle protein shakes? Here are some of the best protein shake recipes for muscle gain.

You Think Because Its A Smoothie Its Automatically Healthy

Weight gain smoothie | High calorie Protein shake

Repeat after Poon: the nutrition content of a smoothie is only as good as the ingredients that you put into it.

If your smoothie is full of green vegetables and superfoods, then youre off to a great start, she says. If your smoothie is full of fruit, sweeteners, and dairy products, you dont necessarily have to avoid it, but it might be good to think of it more as a sweet treat than a nutrient-dense meal.

To understand if your smoothie is a healthy choice, Poon recommends asking yourself this question: will it give you a burst of energy and a dose of nutrients, or will it merely provide a sugar rush and stomach ache? If its the latter, have a balanced meal instead and save yourself the worry.

Also Check: Strawberry Smoothie Recipe Without Yogurt

American Body Building Pure Pro 50 Protein Shake

This creamy and delicious shake contains 50 grams of milk and whey protein, making it one of the higher protein ready to drink shakes. Its great for gaining weight and muscle recovery, and is packed with additional nutrients to help you stay healthy.

Caramel Cream And Coffee Weight Gainer Shake

You already know this is a sweet shake due to the presence of caramel cream.

Ingredients :

  • 8 ounces of whole milk
  • 4 ounces of heavy cream
  • 4 ounces of brewed coffee
  • 2 tablespoons of caramel toppings
  • 2 scoops of caramel protein powder

Read More: Does Coffee Break A Fast: Science-Backed Take On Coffee And Its Effect On Fasting

Also Check: Smoothies That Lower Blood Sugar

How To Add Protein To A Smoothie

Protein is essential to have at every meal. It is the building blocks for our tissues, organs, nerves, and muscles, helps with blood sugar balance by slowing down the absorption of carbs, and digests slowly and helps with feeling full to name a few.

Without it , smoothies can feel pretty unfulfilling and have our blood sugar spike and then crash. Thus, leave us hungry an hour or two later.

Here are some ways to add protein to a smoothie:

  • protein powder whey protein, plant-based, or collagen are all great options
  • greek yogurt opt for greek yogurt which has more protein than regular yogurt. This will also add some creaminess.
  • cottage cheese 14 grams of protein per 1/2 cup!
  • milk cows milk will have more protein than your typical plant-based milk
  • Nuts, nut butter, and seeds peanut butter, almond butter, cashew butter, tahini, chia seeds, hemp hearts, sunflower seeds
  • tofu a good vegan option and blends up super creamy with a neutral taste.
  • beans another great vegan option that also adds some fiber. Opt for black beans or neutral-tasting beans like cannellini beans.

Our daily protein intake should be tailored to our physiological needs, goals, activity, satiety levels, and digestion status.

Garden Of Life Recall And Protein Powder Controversy

Celery apple smoothie

Garden of Life was in hot water a few years ago when 33 people got Salmonella poisoning from their Raw Meal Organic Shake & Meal Replacement powdered mixes. The victims ranged in age from 1 year to 84 years old.

Ive had Salmonella and it was quite possibly the sickest Ive ever felt in my life wouldnt wish it on anyone. Thankfully, none of the 33 people from the Garden of Life recall died.

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A Note On Protein Powder

Adding protein powder to your shakes is an easy and efficient way to promote weight gain.

But, not all protein powders are created equal. Many protein powders include a long list of ingredient names that you cant pronounce.

To make things a little easier for you, I put together a list of things youll find in a high quality protein powder:

  • No added sugars or artificial sweeteners – ensure it’s sweetened naturally
  • From grass fed cows, not treated with pesticides or hormones
  • Whey protein concentrate, not protein isolates, unless you’re lactose intolerant
  • Highly digestiblelook for medium chain fatty acids , not long chain fatty acids
  • Added enzymes to help with digestion and absorption
  • Scroll down to find the printable recipe with ingredient measurements.

    Increased Risk For Malnutrition

    Unfortunately, older adults are at an increased risk for malnutrition because of a variety of factors.

    Barriers, such as financial constraints, declining mobility, and poor appetite, can interfere with an older adults ability to consume enough calories and protein.

    As a result, these individuals will likely experience unintended weight loss.

    Preventing malnutrition is so important, especially for older adults, because malnutrition increases a persons risk for morbidity and mortality, leads to loss of independence, and lowers quality of life.

    To learn more about how to prevent and treat malnutrition in the older adult, click here.

    Because of the reasons listed above, older adults need to eat more protein every day compared to younger individuals.

    The Recommended Dietary Allowance for protein for adults over the age of 65 is 1.0-1.2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day. 00326-5/fulltext” rel=”nofollow”> 3)

    Read Also: Best Blender For Daily Harvest Smoothies

    More Protein To Gain Weight

    Out of the three macronutrients â protein, carbohydrate and fat â protein is most important for gaining weight in the form of lean muscle mass. Your body uses the amino acids in protein to maintain and build new muscle tissue. Protein also supports the immune system and healing after illness or injury.

    So, how much protein powder do you need? That depends on several factors, including your weight, gender and activity level. The dietary reference intake determined to be appropriate for the general population by the Food and Nutrition Board of the National Academies of Medicine is 46 grams of protein daily for women and 56 grams each day for men.

    The DRI is based on an average amount of .8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. For example, a 150-person would need 54 grams of protein each day. However, someone who weighs more than that will require more protein than the DRI. A 195-pound person would need around 70 grams of protein each day, for example.

    Read more:22 Delicious Protein Powder Recipes

    The percentage of your diet that protein should comprise depends mainly on your activity level. If you’re not exercising, you don’t need as much protein as someone who is active. The more intense your activity, the more stress you place on your muscles. Your protein needs increase as your body’s recovery demands increase.

    Which Foods Can Help You Gain Weight Healthily

    My Favorite WEIGHT GAIN protein powders & 2,000 CAL smoothie demo!!!

    Weve rounded up the healthiest foods to include in your smoothies, that will also help you to gain weight effectively:

    #1 Avocado

    Avocado is full of heart-healthy unsaturated fats, which is why youre advised to limit portion sizes under normal circumstances. It has tons of additional health benefits.When added to smoothies, avocado gives a deliciously creamy texture and goes well in lots of different combinations.

    #2 Nuts

    Nuts contain quite a lot of healthy fats, which unsurprisingly translates into calories too. Some nuts are more calorific than others. Most nuts also contain a good amount of fiber, including almonds.You can blend nuts into your smoothies or use them in butter form, such as almond or peanut butter, to get the same benefits.

    #3 Seeds

    Chia, hemp, and flax seeds are a great source of protein, healthy fats, and calories while also offering nutritious benefits. Hemp and chia seeds, in particular, have a good amount of fat, fiber, and protein.> > Know someone expecting? check out these healthy smoothies for pregnancy full of healthy fats! < <

    #4 Coconut Oil

    Coconut oil contains saturated fats and has had bad press because of this. In fact, 90 percent of it is saturated fat! But this isnt nearly as unhealthy as it may sound. Coconut oil is now considered to be something of a superfood due to its benefits for health.The fat content is mostly fatty acids, and studies have shown that people who consume a lot of coconut oil are actually really healthy!

    #5 Oats

    Read Also: How To Make A Banana Smoothie

    How To Make Weight Gain Smoothies

    A great weight gain smoothie uses the right base liquid, a protein source, and a variety of fruits and veg that help both your calorie count and your nutrient intake.

    The best weight gain smoothies also strike the right balance for consistency without too much dry ingredient. Its all about fitting the right amounts and finding flavors that complement each other .

    Make sure to strain the bits, too, if youre really looking for the best experience. Some texture is good but bits in homemade smoothies tend not to be great.

    Next Level Nutrition Lean Pro Matrix Vanilla Ice Cream

    This delicious vanilla ice cream flavored protein powder is also great for gaining weight! Each serving contains 180 calories and 34 grams of protein, making it ideal for bulking up. This product contains whey protein, casein protein, egg protein, and proteins and vitamins from plant based products!

    Also Check: Lala Yogurt Smoothie Probiotic Reviews

    What To Add To Fruit Smoothies To Gain Weight

    Berries, bananas, and pineapple are great examples of fruits that can be used in high calorie weight gain smoothies.

    The hard part is that fruits that fit together are more important than single fruits. The pairings make the flavor, and most fruits are going to offer up extra calories when theyre blended into a smoothie due to the sugar content.

    Bananas and other starchy fruits are difficult to balance for texture but offer a combination of starches and sugars that can bump up the calorie content of a smoothie.

    Muscle Milk Protein Powder Benefits And Effectiveness

    Banana And Milk Smoothie For Weight Gain : HIGH CALORIE, HIGH PROTEIN ...

    I really liked all the added vitamins and minerals it was definitely the best aspect of the product. The addition of taurine was a nice bonus as well.

    But its not a great protein powder. Its got a lot of carbs and fat, and the carbs come from lactose and fructose while the fats come mostly from seed oils, facts that might turn off a lot of fitness-minded folk. Add that to the fact that it contains soy, corn, and the controversial sweetener acesulfame potassium, and youve got a protein powder thats definitely made for the general population, not athletes who are following a restrictive diet.

    Theres also an absence of digestive enzymes like lactase, aminogen, and bromelain, ingredients that are usually added to protein powders that contain lactose to minimize digestive issues. If you have a sensitive stomach, this may not be for you. Note that its also made in a facility that processes milk, soy, wheat, and eggs.

    Read Also: How To Prepare Smoothies Ahead Of Time

    Expert Tips From A Dietitian

    This is a level 3 recipe . Both low calorie and high calorie recipes can be healthiest, depending on your goals. I hope Ive shown you here how a smoothie with healthy ingredients can be a good choice for gaining weight.

    When someone who is overweight tells me they primarily eat healthily, I believe them. Its not too difficult to maintain a calorie excess by including a lot of the energy-dense healthy food choices. Focusing on these same foods can help someone who wants to gain weight.

    One serving of this healthy smoothie has more calories than a decent-sized meal. Its a super avocado smoothie recipe for weight gain.

    To bump the calories up even more, garnish the smoothie with the optional peanuts and whipped cream. You can also swap the 2% milk for whole milk.

    One more thing: this smoothie is super thick! I recommend serving it with either a spoon or extra-wide smoothie straws. Ive linked to the straws I use in the equipment section above.

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