50 Smoothies For Weight Loss

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Spinach For Weight Loss: The Science

50 LBS Down! Smoothie Recipes for Weight Loss // Vegan, Plant Based Diet

Lund University in Sweden recently observed the effect of spinach in a study on losing weight.

The results suggest that the leafy veggie can contribute to weight loss when part of a persons diet.

The main find was that spinach gives satiety of cravings for homeostatic hunger, which is the real hunger a person experiences with basic energy needs and hedonic hunger, which is the drive to receive pleasure from eating food.

There are hormones that suppress cravings and deliver satiety signals to the brain, but they dont transmit quickly enough when eating sweets, processed and fast foods.

Researchers explain that spinach slows down the digestion process, which allows enough time for the release of intestinal hormones and signals to the brain youre full.

This is thanks to thylakoids found in the spinach which make it possible to suppress hedonic and homeostatic hunger without the urge to snack or eat unhealthy foods.

Recipes For After 50 Smoothies

Inflammation Reduction Smoothie

  • 1-2 T chia seeds
  • pure filtered water, just enough to blend
  • lime juice
  • maca, optional

You can see that the ingredients in this one are not dramatically different from other smoothies. Most smoothies feature both fiber and water that enhance elimination. But this one offers additional probiotics in live cultures from the either coconut yogurt, cashew-gurt, or Greek yogurt . Continue to drink plenty of water when you add fiber like chia seeds. It takes both the liquid and the fiber together. I also add Fiber Boost to my smoothies.

Two, often overlooked, parts of elimination are making sure you let yourself get hungry, and make something that makes your mouth water. You need the right enzymes in your gut to digest well and looking forward to something that tastes good to you will help.

Constipation can be relieved with the right smoothie ingredients. At least 70% of the women who join the Flipping 50 28-Day Kickstart or private coaching tolerate constipation all the time or when theyre stressed or traveling. The longer food sits in your colon before its eliminated the more toxins may make you lethargic and sluggish.

Who feels like exercising when you feel like that? Even though exercise can help, it can be hard to get moving if things on the inside arent. More fiber and more water both as liquid in smoothies and in watery fruits and greens that are main ingredients in smoothies can help!

Detox Smoothies Recipes For Rapid Weight Loss

Looking for detox smoothie recipes to help you lose weight that are tasty as well?

Filled with natural ingredients and wholesome alternatives to processed shakes, a detox smoothie can be used as both a meal replacement, as well as a healthy snack.

Using a detox smoothie can help to flatten your belly and you could lose up to 10 pounds in just a few days and in a safe, effective way.

Better yet have you feeling better than ever!

Using nutrient rich smoothies, like the ones below, as meal replacements, can definitely help with decreasing belly fat!

A good smoothie with will keep you hydrated.

They also incorporate many of the vital nutrients and vitamins/minerals that we otherwise might be missing out on.

So, what do you need in order to start your flat belly cleanse with nutritious detox smoothies?

First, and most importantly, you need a high-quality blender!

You dont want to be having chunky pieces in your smoothie when youre trying to drink it why make it harder for your body to digest?

A decent blender will break down the ingredients in your detox smoothie to a smooth perfection.

It can also help to disguise some of the ingredients that you want to incorporate into your diet, but might not enjoy as much!

But itll still be extremely yummy!

With that being said, invest in a good blender for your detox smoothies before you begin your flat belly cleanse itll make the process more convenient, and help you hit your goals with greater ease!

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Orange Creamsicle Protein Shake

The high-protein, high-fiber profile of this creamy smoothie makes it an excellent choice when youre battling hunger during your weight loss journey. Both protein and fiber slow down digestion and promote satiety signals to be sent to the brain. Together, well, lets just say food will be off your mind for the next few hoursunless like me you enjoy the smoothie too much and cannot wait to have it again! Paul Salter, MS, RD, and former nutrition editor of Bodybuilding.com.

Green Smoothie Recipes To Lose Weight

Pear Power Smoothie For Weight Loss

Here are 5 amazing green smoothie recipes that you can try for losing weight efficiently.

Spinach Milk Green Smoothie

One of the best green smoothies for weight loss, this is a slightly unconventional green smoothie. It consists of fruits like orange and strawberries which blend with the spinach flavor to give you an amazing taste while being beneficial for your body too.

This green smoothie also includes almond milk which provides your body with extra protein and volume. As a result, your body needs to exert more energy and heat to digest the extra calories which you consume in the protein. So, basically, this green smoothie is a great way to increase your metabolic rate and get rid of that extra weight that you have been lugging around for a while.


  • 1/3 cup strawberries

Apple Pie Green Smoothie

Due to the apple pie ingredients and spices used in this recipe, this green smoothie will taste more like an apple pie than resemble the taste of an actual smoothie. So, if you are an apple pie lover then this is certainly the perfect smoothie recipe for you.

Apart from having a delectable taste, this smoothie can help you with your weight loss problem by keeping you full for a longer time. Since it contains apples, it offers a lot of fiber, Vitamin C, and antioxidants without a lot of calorie content. This is why this green smoothie is great to avoid overeating and helps in managing your calorie intake which can further aid you in weight loss.


  • 1 cup water

Also Check: 10-day Green Smoothie Nutrition Works

Pineapple For Weight Loss: The Science

Pineapples are rich in vitamin C, which plays a critical role in carnitine synthesis, which is the amino acid responsible for transporting fatty acids.

Researchers link the deficiency of vitamin C to fat retention.

Although more research is needed, studies have shown that the bromelain, a proteolytic enzyme, in pineapple juice and the stem, breaks down protein and serves as a digestive aid, which contributes to weight loss and weight maintenance.

What Is A Green Smoothie

A green smoothie recipe is a blended drink that mainly contains vegetable greens or fruit, or a combination of both. They are an easy way to flush your body of toxins, get lots of healthy nutrients, and lose weight fast.

Green smoothies are often green or bright green and may not exactly look like the most delicious meal, but if you do it right youll not only love these simple green smoothies, youll crave them!

Similar to a green juice, a green smoothie recipe has lots of veggies and fruit. However, with green smoothies youll get more fiber, and therefor stay full longer.

Green smoothies are a blended mixture of fruits, vegetables, and other ingredients. The green vegetables gives it its distinctive color.

Below you will find benefits of a green smoothie diet, plus 10 green smoothie recipes for weight loss

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Green Detox Smoothie Recipes

You cant talk about detox smoothies without also discussing green smoothies. The reason green detox smoothie recipes are so popular is because most detox smoothie recipes call for some kind of green leafy vegetable , which gives it its distinctive green color.

But dont let the bright green color fool you, these green smoothie detox recipes taste wonderful and you usually cant taste the leafy vegetables. And when it comes to fast weight loss, a green smoothie cleanse cant be beat.

Try one of my green smoothie weight loss recipes below and youll understand why they are so popular.

These healthy smoothies for weight loss lean heavy on baby spinach, the most mild of the greens. I promise you wont be able to taste the spinach in this yummy detox smoothie recipes!

For kale smoothies, avocado smoothies, and more keep scrolling! There are lots more smoothies recipes below!

Crisp Mango Cucumber Green Smoothie


This is really tasty fruit smoothie thats got a light creamy texture and great flavor. It contains lots of antioxidants and other beneficial nutrients.

This green smoothie weight loss recipe will help boost metabolism and reduce bloat!

Mangoes contain soluble fiber and a wide range of antioxidants, as well as high amounts of vitamin A and vitamin C .

Also Check: Smoothie King Metabolism Boost Enhancer Ingredients

Skinny Oatmeal Cookie Smoothie

And here we have it! Yet another healthy smoothie version of your favorite dessert! If youre getting sick of eating oatmeal in the mornings, try using it in a shake instead! Because of the high fiber in oatmeal, it helps keep you feeling full and satiated longer while giving the smoothie a fun new texture.

Creamy Mint Chocolate Chip Smoothie

Part of the struggle with trying to lose weight and create healthier habits is the struggle of having to give up some of your favorite foods, like chocolate. Say no more. This chocolate mint smoothie is the perfect blend of protein and chocolate to satisfy your cravings for good! Why avoid what you love when you can indulge the healthy way?

Read Also: Clovis Farms Organic Super Smoothie Recipes

Oranges For Weight Loss: The Science

Low-calorie oranges are high in fiber and vitamin C. As a result, they prove to be extremely filling.

Studies suggest that oranges fill you up four times more than a croissant.

You might be like plenty of others who enjoy drinking orange juice as opposed to orange slices.

Researchers say eating whole fruits increases feelings of fullness, results in less hunger and lowers your calorie intake.

Golden Glow Turmeric Smoothie

Green Smoothie: 50 Green Smoothie Recipes to Detox, Lose ...

The sound of having turmeric in your smoothie might make some of you cringe, but it is definitely worth trying. For one, pineapple has such a strong flavor in and of itself that the turmerics taste is almost completely masked. Secondly, turmeric is a strong anti-inflammatory that everyone should try adding it to their diet. You might be surprised to find out that it is actually pretty tasty as well!

Don’t Miss: Coffee High Protein Smoothie King

How Does A Spinach Smoothie Improve Your Weight

OK, lets consider how this vegetable can benefit those who are trying to lose weight before getting into the recipes.

Spinach is rich in fiber so it promotes proper digestion and intestinal transit. Also, it contains proteins, iron, potassium, vitamin C, A, E, and beta-carotene, as well as folate and fiber.

In addition, estimates indicate it contains between 93% and 95% of water, which, as we said above, means its a vegetable rich in fiber.

As you can see, you must incorporate smoothies into a well-balanced diet, taking into account the needs of your body, of course. At this point, some of you might still be thinking: why would anyone want to drink a spinach smoothie?

Read: Cream of Kale and Spinach A Shot of Vitamins

How To Make A Green Smoothie

Green smoothie recipes are really easy to make. Try making your own recipe, or one of the 10 weight loss smoothies below.


Step 1 add all green smoothie ingredients to blender

Step 2 blend your weight loss green smoothie until smooth

Step 3 serves since out your blender, and enjoy

If you like your green smoothie colder, you have two ways to do that:

  • Freeze the fruit, or buy frozen fruit.
  • Add 1/2 a cup of ice.
  • To make a green smoothie smoothie, all you need is a blender, and not even an expensive one, Ive been using my $20 blender for a number of years and try as I might I havent broken it yet!

    Special Tip: If youre serious about green smoothies, I recommend you check out our list of best smoothie blenders. A good smoothie blender encourages you to drink more green smoothies, and the health benefits are worth splurging for.

    Keep scrolling for 10 green smoothie recipes for weight loss

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    Our Top 5 Favorite Benefits Of A Smoothie Detox Are:

    • Quick weight loss
    • Clearer skin

    As you can see, starting a smoothie diet can change your life, for the better!

    Weight loss smoothies can help you look better, feel better, live longer whats not to love?!

    If you feel like a smoothie cleanse is right for you, see all 3 of our smoothie cleanse guides below. However, if youre just looking to add a bit more fruits and veggies to your diet, try working one of the healthy smoothie recipe options below.

    If youre looking to feel and look great fast, try a smoothie diet!

    Below we have 3 smoothie diet guides, and 10 smoothie diet recipes to help you get started.

    Benefits Of A Weight Loss Cleanse

    GREEN BREAKFAST SMOOTHIE | for weight loss

    A weight loss cleanse can be slightly different from a smoothie cleanse, and we will explore the differences here.

    Often a weight loss cleanse will incorporate more than just smoothies but you guessed it, you will typically consume weight loss smoothies while on a weight loss cleanse.

    A weight loss cleanse will, however, also incorporate salads, detox water recipes, even a bit of exercise. But because it heavy leans on help from smoothies to lose weight, weve included it here.

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    What Is An After 50 Smoothie

    Seemingly Ive coined a term here. Ive done it purposefully. We have less wiggle room. My definition is a powerful glass of protein, fiber, antioxidants, anti-inflammatory foods, and healthy fats that is ready in minutes and hard to replace with any other breakfast option. Thats an after 50 smoothie at its best.

    Compare a smoothie to breakfast options like steel cut oats, Greek yogurt, eggs with veggies, chia pudding, or more traditional eggs and bacon, bowl of cereal , or toast, even avocado toast with an egg and youll find a smoothie comes out ahead in protein, healthy fat, fiber, and micronutrients. A smoothie is a delicious vessel of nutrition that provides a quick solution to the no-time-for-breakfast dilemma.

    Thats pretty sexy for breakfast.#youstillgotitgirl and #hotnotbothered worthy

    If you were going to dump all the ingredients out on to a plate that you put into a smoothie, you would never eat it all. A smoothie made right is an eat real food option. In fact its a way to eat more real food, more components that make a smoothie an age-defying start to your day.

    Price comparison

    The cost of making a smoothie at home varies drastically depending on the ingredients and where you shop. If youre at Whole Foods buying a smoothie you could easily spend $8-12. The most costly item and the one that most determines whether youre having a vitamin or poison is the protein you add.

    Fat Burning Weight Loss Smoothies To Get A Flat Belly


    These healthy smoothie recipes for weight loss are great because they are going to keep you full between meals or you can have one in place of breakfast when you are on the go.

    If you are one of those people that finds it hard to get in your greens, smoothies are a wonderful way to sneak vegetables into your diet. For smoothie recipes that are all fruit, I like to add a handful of spinach to it.

    Truthfully you dont even really notice the spinach with all the other overpowering flavors. Its just an easy and quick way to get some extra vegetables in!

    One thing to keep in mind with these recipes is they arent for a specific diet, so you are going want to find one to suit your needs. If you are on a low carb diet, you might want to look at more veggie-based smoothie recipes that have lower carb fruits .

    Let me know in the comments below what your favorite healthy fruit and vegetable smoothie is!!

    Recommended Reading: 10 Day Smoothie Detox

    Super Berry Weight Loss Smoothie

    The combination of the antioxidant-rich strawberries and blackberries pack a fiber-punch while making this smoothie delightfully sweet and refreshing. The unexpected superstar weight-loss ingredient is the protein-packed pea protein Like all pulses, they can aid in weight loss even when you arent restricting calories. They have also been found to be more effective than whey protein at fighting against hunger, says The Nutrition Twins, Lyssie Lakatos, RDN, CDN, CFT and Tammy Lakatos Shames, RDN, CDN, CFT.

    Pear Matcha Protein Smoothie

    Paleo Smoothies: 50 Gluten

    Anything green must be good for you, right? Well, it certainly makes you feel like youre doing something healthy for yourself. We love the detox-power that comes from the whole ingredients. From the pear, youll get vitamins and fibernecessary for losing weight. Matcha green tea is a great alternative to coffee for adding some caffeinated pep to your step. Rounded out with spinach and protein, this is one smoothie that hits all the healthy marks.

    To make, blend the following:

    • 2 scoops of your fave veggie-based protein powder
    • 1 cup of almond milk
    • 1 cup of spinach
    • one whole pear
    • 1/2 tsp. of matcha tea powder.


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    Savory Weight Loss Smoothies

    A smoothie can be a lot of things: a pre- or post-workout boost, a cold and refreshing thirst quencher, a thick and creamy dessert, a perfectly balanced breakfast. But one thing most of us never think of when we think of smoothies: comfort food.

    These recipes, from the book Zero Belly Smoothies, stake out a new territory in the smoothie landscape, a culinary point of departure into a taste realm you might not have considered. While these smoothies are still cold and refreshing, they’re going to taste more like a savory soup than a bright pick-me-up.

    • ¼ cup unsweetened almond milk
    • 1 scoop plant-based plain protein powder
    • 3 ice cubes
    • Water to blend

    NUTRITION: 232 calories / 2 g fat / 28 g carbs / 3.5 g fiber / 10 g sugar / 26 g protein

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