Green Smoothie Weight Loss Plan

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Golden Pumpkin Spice Latte

Green smoothie weight loss recipes plan: Green detox smoothie weight loss

Studies have shown that turmeric may protect the liver. Find out how to make a better pumpkin spice latte at home with this easy recipe! Made with turmeric golden milk, espresso, and almond milk, this cozy homemade pumpkin spice latte is a healthier vegan PSL alternative. Skip the espresso and whip for a true wellness drink.

These detox water drinks with lemon are infused with fruit like cucumber and strawberry for delicious hydration. Water is my #1 detox drink “ingredient” and lemon is very cleansing as well. You’ll love all four of these detox water recipes.

Cucumber Water will transport you to the spa and provide wonderful, cooling hydration. Read about all the amazing health benefits from weight loss, detox, clear skin, and more.

Benefits Of Green Smoothie Diet

Smoothies are great for a quick and easy breakfast, but there are a few tricks to making green smoothies both healthy and delicious. Dont miss this review of the Benefits of Green Smoothies, including which ingredients to use, how to pick the best blender, plus a recipe for a basic green smoothie.

Ask any person into wellness what is the best way to get a bunch of fruit and veggies into your system, and he or she will suggest a green smoothie. Green smoothies are a great way to pack a meal full of nutrient-dense foods, especially for picky eaters who struggle to eat enough produce.

A green smoothie diet is one that includes at least one vegetable smoothie a day.

What Is A Green Smoothie

A green smoothie recipe is a blended drink that mainly contains vegetable greens or fruit, or a combination of both. They are an easy way to flush your body of toxins, get lots of healthy nutrients, and lose weight fast.

Green smoothies are often green or bright green and may not exactly look like the most delicious meal, but if you do it right youll not only love these simple green smoothies, youll crave them!

Similar to a green juice, a green smoothie recipe has lots of veggies and fruit. However, with green smoothies youll get more fiber, and therefor stay full longer.

Green smoothies are a blended mixture of fruits, vegetables, and other ingredients. The green vegetables gives it its distinctive color.

Below you will find benefits of a green smoothie diet, plus 10 green smoothie recipes for weight loss

Also Check: Healthiest Smoothie From Smoothie King

Can I Meal Prep This Smoothie

Yes! There are a couple of ways to meal prep a smoothie. If youll be enjoying it within 24 hours, you can make the smoothie as directed and store in an airtight container in your refrigerator until youre ready to enjoy. Simply give it a shake or an additional blend before enjoying!

You can also portion out all of the ingredients in containers so youre ready to just dump and blend! I would put the romaine and spinach in one container and freeze. In a separate freezer-safe container, store the banana, apple, ginger, mint and chia seeds. When youre ready to make your smoothie, youll just add the frozen ingredients, add the fresh lemon, pour in the liquid and youve got a smoothie in seconds!

Replacing One Meal Each Day With A Green Smoothie Has Four Benefits That Facilitate Weight Loss:

  • It typically results in an automatic reduction in calorie intake, because fruits and vegetables are not calorie-dense. They are also loaded with fiber and water.
  • It boosts energy levels.
  • It resets your taste buds so that you begin to enjoy healthier foods. Sugary foods start tasting too sweet, and salty or greasy foods feel heavy and less appealing.
  • It increases your fruit and vegetable consumption, making it easy to get 5+ servings every day. The overwhelming body of clinical evidence shows that those who eat more fruits and vegetables tend to have lower body weights, and lower risk of chronic disease.

To get started, check out the most delicious green smoothie recipes that you will ever taste!

Read Also: Smoothie King Low Carb Options

Best Green Smoothie Recipe

By Jen Hansard | Published on 1.1.2021

Sure, I know a spinach smoothie doesn’t sound that appealing, but when made right it can be beyond delicious. With hundreds of 5-star reviews, it’s time for you to see why this is the best green smoothie recipe.

Are you wondering why anyone would be excited to drink something as green as this? I hear ya I’ve been right where you are. And so have 1 million+ others who’ve blended this smoothie in our free 7-day smoothie challenge.

Drinking this daily smoothie is what helped me get the body and energy to do some incredible things, such as run 47 miles of the Grand Canyon, ride motorcycles through Morocco, publish two best-selling recipe books and create a backyard garden for my kids. This daily habit has kept my kids healthy when we didn’t have health insurance, energized us in between school and sports and nourished us so we don’t need to take vitamins.

When I created this green smoothie recipe…it changed my life in more ways than I ever imagine. It was love at first sip for me, my two kids and over 1 million others who were scared of spinach smoothies.

I’ve published an entire recipe book on Simple Green Smoothies, and then went on The Doctors to blend a few green smoothie recipes live on stage! I was nervous with all the cameras and lights, but I knew I had to share green smoothies with the world! They truly are magical for your health.

Apple Berry Detox Smoothie

This weight loss healthy smoothie recipe is great if youre looking to increase your metabolism!

Try this as a weight loss smoothie breakfast to jumpstart fat burning first thing in the morning!

A good blender is so important when making detox smoothies, or while on a smoothie diet. Check out the 15 Best Blenders for smoothieshere.

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Tiki Green Smoothie Recipe For Weight Loss

This fun take on a tropical green smoothie with a tiki drink flare will have you consuming all your daily vitamin C and fruit requirements in one serving. Like all of these healthy and easy green smoothie recipes for weight loss, this one leaves you satisfied but has a bit more flair. It can even serve as mocktail when youre entertaining but dont necessarily want to draw attention to the fact that youre feasting on a green smoothie recipe for weight loss.


  • 1 orange peeled and quartered
  • 1 bunch spinach
  • Steps:

    Place all ingredients into the blender pitcher, except for the water. Cover with lid and tamper . Start at a low speed and increase incrementally. If your blender doesnt have a tamper, you might need to blend in stages while turning off and readjusting ingredients with a spoon and reblending. Add water as needed and blend until smooth. Pour and serve immediately.

    Detox And Weight Loss Smoothie Recipes


    A basic detox smoothie recipe contains some type of leafy green vegetable like kale, spinach, or chard, along with some type of fruit like bananas, berries, apples, or pineapple. Water, ice, unsweetened almond milk, or coconut water is often added to the smoothie to thin it out and make it easier to blend.

    Other common detox and weight loss smoothie ingredients include: Yogurt, celery, lemons, limes, ginger, mango, cranberries, cilantro, fennel, watermelon, almonds , dandelion greens, green tea, watercress, arugula, wheatgrass, avocado, spirulina, and beets.

    Here are more detox smoothie recipes to try out. I encourage you to try different ingredients and find the ones you especially like, because the goal is to drink these detox smoothies as often as you can on a smoothie diet.

    Also Check: Proti Vlc Smoothie Base Mix

    Jendayi Nanyamka Brooklyn Ny Usa 100+ Pound Weight Loss

    Six years ago, Jendayi weighed 275 pounds. Once she discovered green smoothies, she embarked on a lifestyle reboot that lead to better health and fitness, and a 100+ pound weight loss!

    I started drinking green smoothies six years ago when I was at 275 pounds. I decided I wanted a lifestyle change. I wanted to lose weight and live a healthier life.

    Once I began drinking green smoothies, I noticed my daily energy had increased despite being a poor sleeper. I also found that my immune system became stronger and better at resisting infections.

    I also noticed a huge change in my diet. Drinking green smoothies set the foundation for a healthier daily diet that helped me lose over 100 pounds.

    I also started exercising five days a week. I jump, run, do push-ups, squats and kickboxing. I do strength training, power walks and jog around the park.

    Along with green smoothies, I eat a mostly vegan diet, although I do eat fish and eggs. I have cut back significantly on junk food, and have cut fried foods out of my diet. I eat a lot of vegetables and I love them but I am always looking for ways to incorporate more vegetables, which is a huge benefit of drinking green smoothies. I also consume a lot of water.

    Scrub Yourself Clean Green Smoothie

    This is one of my favorite recipes for a detox smoothie flush. Not only does it taste really delicious, but it also helps boost your metabolism, too!

    Broccoli is an extremely healthy vegetable, often referred to as a super veggie. Its high in many nutrients, including vitamin C, vitamin K, fiber, potassium and iron. Broccoli also contains more protein than most other vegetables, which gives you an extra metabolic boost .

    This green smoothie detox recipe is great for someone whos new to smoothie recipes for weight loss. The flavors are mild, and the nutrition is high.

    Read Also: Keto Champ Berry Net Carbs

    Can I Continue With The Program After 21 Days

    If you still need to shed weight after completing the program, it is alright to continue.

    The whole plan is very simple to follow even after you have completed the required 21 days, so you should be able to successfully lose weight. Just bear in mind that moving through a liquid diet for a long period may have some side effects on your body. Make sure you still get your required nourishment. In case you have many physical activities during the day, make sure you get the necessary rest and food to keep your body healthy.

    Before Or After A Workout

    Smoothies for Good Health Ser.: The 14 Day Green Smoothie Detox Diet ...

    When you have this drink as a pre-workout meal, it may help you improve your performance at the gym. Youll have the energy to workout for longer and at a higher intensity, without feeling tired, lightheaded or sluggish, thus helping you give your all during your session .

    As a post-workout meal, especially if it has some protein powder, it can enhance your recovery, restore your glycogen stores, decrease muscle breakdown, and increase muscle protein synthesis .

    Recommended Reading: King Center Box Office Hours

    Lemon Kale Protein Detox

    Putting lemon in your blender is like taking out a nutrition insurance policy for your smoothie. That’s because a significant percentage of the antioxidant polyphenols in any food or drink break down before they reach your bloodstream. But researchers at Purdue University discovered that adding lemon juice to the equation helped preserve the polyphenols.

    • ½ lemon, peeled and seeded
    • ½ frozen banana
    • ½ cup unsweetened almond milk
    • 1 scoop plain plant-based protein powder
    • 3 ice cubes
    • Water to blend

    NUTRITION: 254 calories / 7 g fat / 20 g carbs / 5 g fiber / 10 g sugar / 30 g protein

    Can You Taste Spinach In The Smoothie

    You wouldn’t be the first to look at this recipe and say “No way!” Green! Spinach! Yuck! Yet don’t walk away! These bright green smoothie recipes will actually delight your taste buds. You’ll even have an extra pep in your step when you realize how great you feel!

    Even kids LOVE this green smoothie recipe! I started blending this smoothie in my daughter Clare’s kindergarten class four years ago. Now every year, I visit her school to blend this recipe with each new class. That’s how delicious this recipe is!

    Not sure if your blender can handle the greens? I’ve created The Ultimate Blender Guide, where I reviewed countless blenders to find the best ones for green smoothies. The key is to get rid of leafy chunks, blend quickly and provide tons of value for the price. Hint: not all of them cost $400+.

    Also Check: One Day Smoothie Detox

    Both Of These Green Smoothie Diet Plans Are Always Free:

  • Do you know anything about the Nutri Bullet? Do you reccommend it?

  • thefoodieatlas

    I wouldnt freeze the pre-made smoothies. When you re-thaw then they tend to separate and get weird and frothy. You can put all of your ingredients into a ziploc bag and freeze that so all you have to do is throw it in a blender and add a liquid.

  • jennifer

    If I prepare these ahead of time how long can I freeze each premade smoothie?

  • Michelle

    Keep posting they are great recipes

  • Tami Koletsky

    Question: Whats your take on suing coconut water for standard water? And cherries are out of season here and I cant find them frozen, do you have suggestions for substitutes?

  • Karen

    Hi AudreyI just made my first smoothy from your top 10 Purple Passion yummy Thank you so much for the recipes and in helping me lose my buddy belly lol

  • Brandi Marie

    This is the single best post I have seen to date. I am on a journey to lose my baby fat, and I love smoothies. Thank you for sharing!

  • Virginia Anglin
  • Any ideas/recipes to include avocados?

  • Christine

    Love this post. Well thought out and very informative I have pinned it of course and I am looking forward to trying each and every one of your wonderful recipes. Following the rules of course

  • Rose Marie Mandato

    love the premise and would like yo get all this in printed form. can u help me. You are an answer to my prayer.Rose Marie

  • GJ

    I put 1 drop pf dish soap into the blender container with some water, blend it up and rinse. Easiest way to clean out your blender.

  • Green Smoothie Recipes For Quick Weight Loss

    My Weight Loss Plan: 10 DAY GREEN SMOOTHIE CLEANSE!

    Green smoothie recipes are one of my favorite ways to lose weight quickly. I have been drinking green smoothies almost every day for over 4 years and still like to use them when Im feeling bloated or feel a cold/flu coming on.

    Also called detox smoothies, fruit smoothies or vegetable smoothies, these easy green smoothie recipes make a deliciously easy way to get all your nutrients through a straw!

    The American Cancer Society recommends that we eat 5-9 servings of fruits and vegetables each day to prevent cancer and other diseases, and these recipes are a great way to get those servings .

    Even kids love green smoothies! My daughter loves the Crazy for Kale Smoothie and of course has to have her own jar.

    Green smoothie recipes are a great way to eat more veggies and to help you feel and look better fast!

    In this article we will explain how to make green smoothies, the benefits of green smoothies, and we will supply you with the 10 best green smoothies so you can get started right away.

    Recommended Reading: Mielle Organics Curl Smoothie

    Green Smoothies For Weight Loss And Fat Burning

    The following green smoothie recipes for weight loss are rich in plant-based nutrients, include natural sugar only , and are balanced with healthy fats.

    Replace one or two meals per day with one of these green smoothies, and youll feel and look fantastic. Research for my book The Green Smoothies Diet showed that the top 5 results from a daily green smoothie habit are: more energy, weight loss, better digestion, brighter skin, and decreased cravings.

    Green smoothies are also super simple and inexpensive to make. Take advantage of the frozen produce section, and buy fresh produce thats in season to make the most of your smoothie dollar. Feel free to amp up the protein content with clean, no-additive protein powder.

    Fruit Cocktail N Kale Green Smoothie Recipe For Weight Loss

    This green smoothie diet recipe incorporates the tartness of cherries and blueberries for a bold spin on the classic kale green smoothie. Its one of the most stunning and memorable vegetable smoothie recipes for weight loss weve seen. Honey brings in a layer of flavor to finalize this truly decadent, but healthy drink of fruits and vegetables. Its practically a dessert but with fewer calories and more vitamins!


  • 1 teaspoon honey or agave nectar
  • 1 cup unsweetened almond milk
  • Steps:

    Place all ingredients into the blender pitcher, except for the water. Cover with lid and tamper . Start at a low speed and increase incrementally. If your blender doesnt have a tamper, you might need to blend in stages while turning off and readjusting ingredients with a spoon and reblending. Add water as needed and blend until smooth. Pour and serve immediately.

    Read Also: Small Strawberry Banana Smoothie Mcdonalds

    How To Make Your Detox Smoothie

    Making your smoothie is easy. Simply add liquid to the bottom to get started. I like to use the minimum amount of liquid needed to turn the blade, as you can always add more. Top with the remaining ingredients and blend!

    Enjoy your smoothie right away in a glass or as a smoothie bowl like this Matcha Smoothie topped with strawberries, or freeze for later. For more healthy smoothie recipes, dont miss these super tasty Superfood Smoothie Recipes and this round-up of Healthy Green Smoothies.

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