The 10 Day Green Smoothie Cleanse

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Raw Cashew Ranch Dip With Vegetables

Smoothie diet for faster result Weight Loss 10 lbs in a 7 day #short #detox #smoothie

TO MAKE: Soak 1 cup of raw cashews in water for 2 hours. Drain water and place cashews in a food processor. Add in 3/4 cup water, 1 teaspoon garlic, 2 teaspoons apple cider vinegar, 1 teaspoon dill weed, 1 1/2 teaspoons parsley, 1 teaspoon chives, and 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder . Blend until creamy. Season with sea salt and black pepper to bring out the taste. Store in fridge. *NOTE* You can season this any way you like, you can make it sweet with cinnamon and stevia or savory. If you dont like ranch then just add your favorite seasonings. Its that creamy base youre going for!

Donât Miss: Small Strawberry Banana Smoothie Mcdonalds

Adding Protein To Your Smoothie

If you wish to increase your protein consumption then you can quickly do it with smoothies. Whether you include protein powder or just almond milk, or other ingredients in your smoothie, you can enhance your protein consumption to help construct or keep muscle mass.

When people drink smoothies that have plenty of excellent fats and proteins, they can stay fuller for longer. And due to the fact that the digestive system requires to work a bit harder to burn the protein, people can burn more calories.

Then make sure that you check out the label on the product container to understand exactly how much protein it has, if you are using a protein powder. That way you can compute just how much to blend with the other protein-rich ingredients in your blender.

Peanut butter is likewise a great source of protein. It might likewise be advised not to add peanut butter every day to your smoothie, but utilize it sparingly only a few times a week as a good additional protein reward.

A mix of whey protein, natural peanut butter, and coconut milk is an exceptional mix that people can integrate with other healthy ingredients to make a tasty, drinkable smoothie.

If you are a vegan and you would, therefore, choose not to take in whey protein, then there are various healthy vegan protein power alternatives available in most health stores, or online that you can use instead.

Recommended Reading: Smoothie King Seating

Health Benefits Claimed In 10

The diet in this book claims to reduce the risks for: allergies, bloating, brain fog, constipation, poor digestion, low energy, fatigue, food cravings, headaches, indigestion, infections, insomnia, overweight/obesity, chronic pain, sensitivities, yeast infections

As always, this is not intended to be a replacement for professional medical diagnosis or treatment for a medical condition. Consult your doctor before starting a new diet. This page describes what the authors of the diet recommend Chewfo is describing the diet only, not endorsing it.

Get a copy of 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse for a detailed explanation of why a green smoothie cleanse is good for you, detox methods, testimonials, 10 Commandments for Looking Young and Feeling Great, green smoothie recipes for the 10-day cleanse, over 100 green smoothie recipes for after the cleanse, and clean high protein recipes.

Theres a Facebook page at . JJs website is .

How has this diet helped you? Please add a comment or question below.

  • Penny HammondJuly 10, 2015, 6:36 pm

    Wow, thats impressive!The modified cleanse might be a better idea for you check with your doctor and take it easy!

  • TeriDecember 23, 2015, 6:52 am

    Happy Birthday Bobsy!!

  • CrystalMay 21, 2014, 11:53 am

    just wanted to thank you for your sitei ran into it for the FMD plan and it really helped clarifiy confusion while i was waiting for the bookthis cleanse post does the same thingvery helpful!!

  • Don’t Miss: Smoothie King Metabolism Boost Enhancer Ingredients

    What Snacks Can I Eat On The 10 Day Green Smoothie Cleanse

    You may not need portion snack containers if you are a stay at home mom, however I do recommend pre-portioning your snacks and keeping them separate

    This helps to avoid temptation!

    Here is a list of approved snacks that can be combined in many ways to make them delicious! Check the official FB group for more ideas!

    • Raw, crunchy veggies

    Apple Berry Detox Smoothie


    This weight loss healthy smoothie recipe is great if youre looking to increase your metabolism!

    Try this as a weight loss smoothie breakfast to jumpstart fat burning first thing in the morning!

    A good blender is so important when making detox smoothies, or while on a smoothie diet. Check out the 15 Best Blenders for smoothieshere.

    Don’t Miss: Smoothie King Recipes Berry Punch

    Set Yourself Up For Success

    Allow yourself at minimum 3 days to gather all the items necessary for the cleanse. Some items will need to be ordered and you want to make sure you have all items necessary.

    I use because of its 2 day prime shipping.

    Mindset is everything!!!! Tell your friends your goal and invite them to join you on your weight loss journey!

    Get your hubby to be your motivational partner! Post on social media!! This helps to keep you accountable when you feel like quitting!

    Finally join the green smoothie cleanse where thousands of women are doing the same thing!

    Ask questions, check out delicious recipes, and be inspired by others stories!

    How Can Smoothies Make You Lose Weight

    Doing a detox is less about getting into your skinny jeans although of course its wonderful when that happens. A true detox means ridding our bodies of the chemicals and toxins that keep us addicted to certain kinds of foods, make us gain weight, and trigger inflammation in the body.

    So detox emphasizes on cleansing the bad, but in a way that corroborates the good with sustainable, lifelong habits. You may need it to abate diseases or to fight existing medications for being diabetic or overweight.

    The American diet is full of literally thousands of processed ingredients, chemicals and additives that didnt even exist 50 years ago, when the FDA last revamped their food regulations. The processed food industry has formulated and engineered these ingredients to invent food-like substances that drive sales and maximize profit.

    The typical detox smoothie recipe is full of vitamins, antioxidants, fiber, and other healthful nutrients giving your body a detoxifying flush. They also contain large amounts of water, which helps to hydrate your body and boost metabolism. Thus, detox diets do help to flush out toxins from your body.


    A detox is not a starvation diet. Smoothies can act as a full meal replacement and are made with leafy greens, fruits and healthy proteins

    The green detox smoothies use certain fruits and vegetables full of antioxidants and other nutrients that support better detoxification in the body.


    You May Like: Dr Oz 10 Day Detox Smoothie

    A Sisterly Quest For Vitality Through Liquidised Kale

    • 1 scoop SunWarrior plant-based protein powder
    • 1Tb spirulina powder

    Lis to Jill

    Wake up feeling: Tired.

    Make up the days smoothie with as much energy as one can muster after eating rabbit food for a week. Taste the smoothie, revolting. Manage to eat half of the morning portion then ditch it along with the rest. It was the texture more than anything, just not nice. Make up the day 6 smoothie which was my favourite. Im sure there was some method to JJs madness with the order in which she wrote those recipes but I couldnt give too much of a toss today.

    I am really lethargic today, I did go to bed quite late and was up briefly at 6am then properly at 7am. So probably not quite enough sleep. I am however determined to go to yoga tonight and push on through. Feel like I am no longer limping to the finish line, Ive dropped to my knees and am reaching for the white flag.

    Not a bad afternoon, did a few difficult emails that Ive been storing up at work for a day like today . I have definitely had a few cranky days on this cleanse.

    6pm. Its time for downward dog. The class is good, I am somewhat disturbed to be sweating and breathing heavily during the warm up but I get through the rest of the class without too many stumbles. A quick happy baby and Im home.

    8:20. Rooibos tea, a spoon of peanut paste and some trash TV.

    Lets be having you, Day 9.

    Jill to Lis

    8pm. Rooibos tea and peanut butter. It has never tasted so decadent.

    Cravings Alert Tasty Snack For The 10 Day Green Smoothie Cleanse

    Detox for weight lose(green apple spinach juice)|detox spinach green smoothie|

    OK, so yesterday was Day 3 on the JJ Smith 10 Day Green Smoothie Cleanse, and I must say the cravings were hitting pretty hard. Not for sweets like I expected, but for SALTY CHIPS. But alas, although Im doing the modified version of the smoothie challenge chips are still a no-no. But good news: POPCORN is allowed!! Not the microwave kind loaded with all kinds of craziness, but good ole fashioned stove top popcorn. Folks, it was DELICIOUS and so satisfying. Not to mention, I had forgotten how simple it was to make! Now, I know most of us know how to make stove top popcorn, but in case its been a while, heres the super simple recipe:


    Large pot or skillet with lid

    Large bowl


  • Melt coconut oil in a large pot or skillet on medium-high to high heat .
  • Carefully add in popcorn kernels. Give the pot a little shake to coat the kernels in the oil.
  • Get back things happen pretty fast! Once you see a kernel or two pop, place the lid on top of the pot leaving a small crack so that some steam can escape . The popping should now be pretty aggressivegive the pan another shake just to make sure you dont have any scorching.
  • Once the popping has slowed down to 2 or 3 pops, turn off the stove and remove from heat. Carefully empty your fluffy goodness into a large bowl. At this point, youre ready to snack as is. But feel free to lightly sprinkle with sea salt.
  • What are your favorite snacks to eat while on a cleanse? Sound off below!

    Don’t Miss: Strawberry Banana Smoothie Mcdonald’s Nutrition

    Green Smoothie Cleanse Preparation

    Herbal Goodness organic teas are made from plants that are grown in non-GMO soil. Also, during the manufacturing process, plants that the teas are made from are cleaned and thoroughly inspected. It just gives you another point of confidence that you’re respecting your health. Yet, to succeed with a green smoothie cleanse, you may need to prepare for the dietary experience.

    Following are preparation areas that you may benefit from focusing on:

    As tempting as it may be, don’t dismiss preparing yourself before you start a green smoothie cleanse. Whether or not you’ve dieted before, this is a shift. Another part of preparing for the cleanse is getting the right ingredients. In addition to the aforementioned foods and HerbalGoodness organic teas, here are other foods that you can get for the diet: kale, spinach, salad greens, grapes, bananas, cherries, raspberries, cranberries, blueberries, grapefruit and lemons. Because, at HerbalGoodness, we want to help you with the green smoothie cleanse, here’s a recipe that you could use to kickoff Day 1 of the cleanse.

    Day 1 Recipe

    You’ll love these 10 day green smoothie recipes inside out. There’s the rewarding taste and the energy support, not to mention the vitamins you’re feeding yourself.


    • 1/2 cup strawberries
    • 1/2 cup cherries


  • Adiva Publishing. 10-Day Smoothie Cleanse. 2013. Accessed July 30, 2020.
  • Simple Green Smoothies. Jen Hansard. Simple Green Detox Smoothie. March 25, 2020. Accessed July 30, 2020.
  • What Can You Eat During The 10

    What can you eat during the 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse?

    2. You may snack on apples, celery, carrots, cucumbers, and other crunchy veggies that are appealing to you throughout the day. Other high-protein snacks include unsweetened peanut butter, hard boiled eggs and raw or unsalted nuts and seeds .

    What can you eat on JJ Smith 10-day cleanse?

    Green smoothies ingredients. Green smoothies instructions. You may snack on apples, celery, carrots, cucumbers, and other crunchy veggies throughout the day. Other high-protein snacks include unsweetened peanut butter, hard-boiled eggs, and raw or unsalted nuts and seeds Daily routine.

    Does the 10-day green smoothie cleanse really work?

    JJs newest book, The 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse, is a proven plan to safely and quickly detoxify the body, and jumpstart weight loss. Most people who follow the plan strictly experience weight loss of up to 15 pounds in only ten days.

    How much weight can I lose on the 10-day green smoothie diet? Customer reviews: 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse: Lose Up to 15 Pounds in 10 Days!

    How many times a day do you drink a detox smoothie?

    Try to have one smoothie serving every two to three hours throughout the day. Avoid all coffee, alcohol, and solid food. You should quickly feel energized and see less puffiness in your body and face after just a few hours.Mar 26, 2016

    How many green smoothies should I drink a day?

    How do you do the 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse?

    Recommended Reading: Smoothie King Seating View

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    Jj Smith Green Smoothie Cleanse Free Pdf

    Depuración Smoothie Verde 10 (10

    I completed the 10Day Green Smoothie Cleanse! Here are my snack recipes, tips and complete review!. Heres how I got through the 10day green smoothie cleanse! Featuring delicious snack, tips, ideas and more to make the cleanse easier. This book provides a shopping list, recipes, and detailed instructions for the 10day cleanse, along with suggestions for getting the best results. It also offers advice

    Read Also: Anti Cancer Smoothie Recipes

    Below You Will Find The Following Weight Loss Cleanse Plans:

    • Quick 3 Day Weight Loss Cleanse
    • 7 Day Weight Loss Cleanse also called a Detox Week
    • Green Smoothie 10 Day Cleanse

    You can find more information in our Benefits of a Detox Diet article here.

    No matter if you choose a 3, 7, or 10 day weight loss cleanse youll be resetting cravings and increasing metabolism!

    Try out one of our weight loss cleanse plans, and check out our 10 best detox smoothie recipes below.

    Health Benefits Of Smoothies Approved Snacks On 10 Day Cleanse Green Smoothie Diet

    When individuals choose to consume smoothies that are prepared with only healthy ingredients such as fresh vegetables and fruits, they can be loaded with vitamins, antioxidants, and other nutrients.

    For instance, when people utilize spinach in their smoothies they have the ability to get their day-to-day dose of iron. When individuals utilize a banana in their smoothies, they get potassium, which benefits the nervous system, kidneys, and heart. And when blueberries are added to the mix, individuals can enjoy many health gain from the antioxidants discovered within.

    Read Also: Smoothie King Slim-n-trim Recipes

    Day Green Smoothie Cleanse Ly Using Spinach

    Best 10 Day Green Smoothie Cleanse Recipes from 10day green smoothie cleanse ly using spinach

    Child spinach and Nana Smith apples incorporate to create the delicious environment-friendly color of this smoothie youll intend to make over and over. Hemp seeds are an exceptional resource of plant healthy protein, as well as theyre also loaded with omega-3s, omega-6 fats, fiber, magnesium, and an entire host of other benefits.

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    Word On The Street About The 10

    Green Smoothie Diet: How to Cleanse and Lose Weight at the Same Time

    To be fair and balanced, I had to find a couple of raving and a couple of real naysayers on Amazon, like verified and badge-wearing Amazon user Knitting Ninja , who says,

    Found one. Kolleen Kholus says to Proceed with caution. Kristen , who was a little bit critical, was also sort of a fan: At, there were 56 reviews and an overall rating of 4.9 out of 5 stars. These folks loved the cleanse. The great thing is the vast majority of the 178 thoughtfully-written reviews were from people who read the book and did the cleanse. Real people like Michele : Esmeralda Luv says,

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    Day Green Smoothie Cleanse By Jj Smith

    Have you ever wanted to try a juice or smoothie cleanse? I know I have, but I wasnt sure where to start. There is so much information available in print and on the web that it can be a little overwhelming. The 10 Day Green Smoothie Cleanse book by JJ Smith is a great guide and resource to help you from start to finish.

    The author, JJ Smith, is a nutritionist and certified weight loss trainer. She shares sound information and advice on what a cleanse means, how it will benefit you, how to get started. Unlike other books and resources, she also offers tips and information on what you can do after the cleanse to achieve and maintain optimal health. I like that she includes detailed instructions on preparing for and conducting a full 10 day cleanse. This includes a shopping list, over 100 recipes, and tips to help you succeed. This book covers the why, what, and how to help you improve your health.

    * This article contains affiliate links. Purchase through our affiliate links and we receive a small commission without any extra expense to you!

    The recipes included with the book are really good terrific. I juice and make smoothies regularly. You can never have too many recipes. One of my favorite recipes was the Chocolate Cherry Smoothie with greens, almond milk, cherries, bananas, cinnamon, and cacao powder. The kid-friendly recipes were a hit with my children. One of them was the Blackberry Almond with greens, almond milk, banana, blueberries, blackberries, and dates.

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