1 Smoothie A Day Diet

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Allow You To Calculate Calorie Consumption:


You will not lose weight if you dont remain in a proper calorie deficit. You just cant drink every smoothie provided to you and expect to lose weight.

THATS THE REASON Drew has provided a calorie formula that will take your weight, height, and age into consideration and provide you the best calorie deficit plan.

Whats The Smoothie Diet 17 Day Diet Cycle 1 Smoothie Recipes

As mentioned before, The Smoothie Diet isnt just a plain ebook about smoothies. It is a 21-day weight loss program with easy-to-make smoothie recipes to quickly drop weight while improving your health and energy.

Drew Sgoutas, a certified health coach, is the person behind this program. He created this 21-day program for his customers that wanted to shed weight. Drew Sgoutas made this ebook so that he can help his clients to stick to a low-sugar and diet after they finish the 21-day program.

Everything on this program is based on his experience as a health coach. He based it on his clients needs and goals. Although he is not a dietician, all the ingredients and nutritional properties involved are well researched to maximize the programs effectiveness. All you would be doing is to replace some of your foods with the smoothie recipes he had supplied.

The ingredient to nutrient ratios varies every week to keep the weight youve lost from coming back in a snap. Just follow the particular frequency and sequence when you have the smoothie.

The best thing about this program is that its very flexible. You may keep on using the program even when youve finished the program after 21 days until youve reached your objective. And, weight loss isnt the one thing that you gain from this. Youll experience better sleep, clearer skin, and more energy.

What Happens When Substituting All Meals With Smoothies

If youre substituting all of your meals for smoothies, the picture looks a bit different and losing weight actually becomes a lot more difficult.

Heres the deal:

The amount of calories in the average vegetable smoothie isnt high. This can be great if youre trying to get to a target weight.


If youre going to consume only smoothies, and for the long term, then youre more likely to lose muscle rather than fat. This is important as lean muscle can burn more fat so if yours depletes, your effort to lose weight would be less effective.

Fruit and vegetables are mostly made up of water and fiber. This means they bulk out your smoothies while also being light on calories. The average green smoothie is a maximum of 300-400 calories, depending on ingredients of course.

If smoothies are all youre going to be eating over the whole day, even 3 smoothies mean youll be getting less than 1500 daily calories.

Even if weight loss is your aim, this isnt enough to sustain you day in, day out. Anything below 1500 calories per day for men and 1200 calories per day for women is generally considered to be a low calorie diet.

Truth is, youll be hungry – no matter what goodies you pack into your smoothies to try to fill you up. Theres much more chance that your good intentions will go up in smoke when you think of it this way.

Recommended Reading: Meal Replacement Smoothies From Smoothie King

How Does The Smoothie Diet Work

The Smoothie Diet is an ebook program that consists of a complete set of recipes and diet plans that will not only boost weight loss but can improve your whole life. There are numerous health benefits that come with this program.

Before you start, you have to do a three-day detox this detox also involves the use of the 3-day Smoothie Detox Program a bonus that you get with The Smoothie Diet program. The detox preps your body for the actual 21-day program.

What Happens To Your Body When You Drink A Smoothie Every Day

One Day  Three Smoothie Detox!

There’s nothing like a cold smoothie to kickstart your morning on a refreshing note, keep those hunger pangs at bay between meals, or re-fuel right after a grueling workout. For some, a smoothie is a beloved part of their daily routineand it makes sense when you consider their convenience: You can quickly whip one up before heading out the door to run errands, or grab one on the way to the work to power you through those morning meetings. But what happens to your body when you drink a smoothie every day? Is this a healthy habit, or no?

The beauty of a smoothie lies in the endless possibilities: You can incorporate whatever fruits or veggies you like, and then customize the blend to fit your needs at the moment with add-ins like protein powder, seeds, nut butter, or whole grains. That means that how healthy your smoothie habit is will depend largely on the ingredients you include.

That said, there are a number of clear health benefitsand risksto sipping on a smoothie daily. Here’s what you need to know before you fire up that blender. And for even more healthy eating tips, check out our list of 21 Best Healthy Cooking Hacks of All Time.

Read Also: How To Make Smoothie Meal Replacement

Use Healthy Ingredients Just

If you are aiming to make your smoothies healthy to promote general optimal health and to help you with your weight reduction efforts, then you need to prevent adding some foods, such as cookies, ice cream, along with other processed, high-fat deals with.

If you are aiming to lower the number of calories in your smoothies, use skimmed milk rather than whole milk and even cream. While the difference in calories in between skimed and entire milk might be little, it can impact your diet considerably gradually. Even better, instead of using routine milk, you can utilize coconut milk, almond milk, or simply water.

Related Article:flat belly diet smoothie recipe

Below You Will Find The Following Weight Loss Cleanse Plans:

  • Quick 3 Day Weight Loss Cleanse
  • 7 Day Weight Loss Cleanse also called a Detox Week
  • Green Smoothie 10 Day Cleanse

You can find more information in our Benefits of a Detox Diet article here.

No matter if you choose a 3, 7, or 10 day weight loss cleanse youll be resetting cravings and increasing metabolism!

Try out one of our weight loss cleanse plans, and check out our 10 best detox smoothie recipes below.

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Boost Human Growth Hormones

With only one solid meal per day, a smoothie diet is a form of mild fasting.

Studies indicate that intermittent fasting accelerates the production of human growth hormones .

HGH is important as it helps to build, maintain, and repair healthy tissue in the brain and other vital organs.

Most importantly, we need more HGH as we age because HGH levels decline over time.

What You Need To Know


The strict “detox” plan replaces all three daily meals with smoothies for three days. On the 21-day plan, you’ll consume two meal-replacement smoothies , one solid-food meal, and a few snacks. Though not a part of Sgoutas “official” smoothie diet, some plan for a “flex day” to make the diet more sustainable.

However, Sgoutas points out that if the regular meals are too high in calories, the diet probably won’t be effective for weight loss. Also of note: The e-book suggests that this diet is not for people with food allergies.

  • Lots of fruits and vegetables

  • Nutritious meal once per day

  • No solid food for two meals a day

The recipes included in the 21-Day Smoothie Diet contain plenty of fruits and veggies, tend to be low in calories, and provide important phytonutrients. While fruit offers healthy nutrients, it also contains naturally occurring sugar, which may not work for you if you’re trying to reduce your sugar intake. Some smoothies also call for honey, which only adds more sugar.

Additionally, most of the diet’s smoothies are very low in protein, and a few fall short in healthy fats. Sgoutas does emphasize getting enough protein throughout the day and recommends at least 50 grams daily by eating a little with each meal and snack. However, some people might find it difficult to meet their daily protein needs on this plan, especially those who don’t spend a lot of time meal planning.

  • Not sustainable

  • Lacks scientific support

Recommended Reading: Ingredients To Make A Smoothie

Greek Yogurt Milk And Milk Alternatives

Adding Greek yogurt in your smoothie will give you the needed protein boost.

Packed with probiotics, the friendly bacteria in yogurt helps to maintain your gut health, fortify your immune system, and prevent depression too according to this study. If you are into gut health, check out our kombucha recipes for weight loss.

Another research suggested that following a high fiber diet with yogurt can decrease lung cancer, and in a smoothie diet, you can find both the yogurt and high fiber foods.

Try to opt for non-flavored, plain Greek yogurt as the flavored version has excess sugar that adds to the calorie count.

If you choose to add milk into your smoothie, opt for skim milk, or one percent cows milk.

If you are vegan or dairy intolerant, milk alternatives such as unflavored almond milk, soya milk, flax milk, or rice milk are suitable liquid options.

What Is The Smoothie Diet One Smoothie A Day Diet

As stated earlier, The Smoothie Diet isnt just a plain ebook about smoothies. Its a 21-day weight loss program to help you quickly lose weight through easy-to-make smoothies. Its also aimed to improve your health and your energy.

Drew Sgoutas, a certified health coach, is the person behind this program. He created this 21-day program for his clients that wanted to lose weight. To assist his clients eat healthier after the 21-day program, he made this ebook so they can stick to a low-sugar and low-fat diet.

He uses his experience as a health coach for this program. He based it on his clients needs and goals. Although he isnt a dietician, all of the ingredients and nutritional properties involved are well researched to maximize the programs effectiveness. All you would be doing is to replace a few of your meals with the smoothie recipes hed supplied.

To keep the weight youve lost from coming back, the ingredient to nutrient ratios are varied week per week. Just stick to the particular frequency and sequence when you have the smoothie.

The best thing about this program is that it is very flexible. So even when youve finished the 21 days, you may keep on using it until you have reached your goal. And, weight loss is not the only thing that you gain from this. You will experience better sleep, clearer skin, and much more energy.

Recommended Reading: Whole Foods Tropical Green Smoothie

Contain The Correct Amount Of Protein

If you are a regular person learning about diets, then you will understand the importance of protein in these diets. They are important in building health, improving physique is very important.

Therefore, the smoothie weight loss diet plan will also focus on protein intake. So dont worry too much about the lack of protein in the smoothie diet.

Does The Smoothie Diet Really Work

Smoothie diet in 2020

First off, since youll be doing a carb and sugar detox, theres no way you wouldnt lose weight. And thats what makes this diet work.

The 21 day smoothie diet works because it takes advantage of the fact that you naturally sense when youre full .

The idea behind this diet is that your smoothies will be nice and filling because they will contain lots of healthy fiber-rich veggies, fruits, and nuts.

So what about calories?

The whole idea behind the 21 Day Smoothie Diet is that it promotes weight loss by effectively cutting out bad calories without denying you of your daily nutritional needs.

You wont go hungry on this diet youll just be drinking all your meals .

Don’t Miss: Best Greek Yogurt For Smoothies

Risks And Benefits Of Protein Smoothies

How many smoothies a day should you drink with protein?

Protein is a vital component of how our bodies function. Most people know that protein repairs our muscles after working out and makes them grow back stronger.

But it also affects everything from our hair and nails, to our bones, skin, hormones, and blood.

Like carbohydrates, eating more protein than you can process causes your body to store it as fat. However, protein is not as plentiful in mosts food.

Additionally, research shows that protein speeds up your metabolism and causes you to feel full longer.

The amount of protein you should consume is heavily debated by experts. As a general rule, multiply your weight in pounds by 0.35 and try to get at least that many grams in protein.

If you exercise regularly, youll want to increase that to a maximum of 0.6 grams per pound of body weight.

Its important to be mindful of the protein youre consuming from all food sources when considering how many smoothies a day to drink with protein.

Being Flexible Made It Easier To Commit To The Challenge

I didnt follow or stick to a specific recipe, just a simple formula of 1/4 cup of fruit , two handfuls of leafy greens , one cup of filtered water, a bit of lemon juice and fresh ginger on most days, and a handful of whatever other green vegetables I had on hand .

Being flexible with the ingredients made it much easier for me to stick with it, day after day. I didnt want to feel like I couldnt make myself a smoothie because I didnt have exactly what I needed in the fridge.

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You Might Still Feel Hungry After

Speaking of the sweet stuff, did you know that it causes spikes and drops in your blood sugar that can actually make you feel hungry? Not only that but since you’re liquifying the fruits and vegetables, you’re missing out on some of the fiber, which is what makes food satiating.6254a4d1642c605c54bf1cab17d50f1e

“Smoothies are bypassing an important part of the digestive process which is mastication or chewing,” says Ayesta. “Foods are therefore absorbed more rapidlyso you may be hungrier a lot faster depending on what ingredients you are using.”

Ayesta advises incorporating a protein and/or fiber source if you drink a smoothie every day so your stomach won’t be rumbling an hour after you finish it. Since fiber fills you up, too, he suggests chia seeds or ground flaxseeds, which can add some texture to your smoothie while also making it more filling.

“Always remember that a smoothie is not meant to replace every single meal in your day, but rather be used as a complement to your diet,” says Ayesta. “If you are going to use it as a meal replacer, ensure that it packs all the components of a healthy meal .”

The Risk Of Nutritional Deficiencies

10 Day Smoothie Cleanse Day 1: Berry Green Smoothie Review

Smoothies are a great way to easily pack some extra nutrients into your day but they wont provide you a full array of nutrition.

This means youll have deficiencies in certain nutrients if you exist solely on smoothies.

Low calorie diets like this can often lead to mineral deficiencies, and plant based diets can increase the potential for iron and zinc deficiencies too.

Iron and calcium can be there to some degree in green smoothies but youd need a lot of things like kale to get the amounts you need.

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Whey Protein Powder For The 17 Day Diet Smoothies

The recipe calls for vanilla flavored whey protein.

The problem with this is that many, if not all, flavored protein powders will contain either sugar, artificial sweetener, or a combination of the two.

Jarrows also offers a grass fed whey protein powder.

When youre using an unflavored powder, youre not only eating a cleaner processed food, but youre also able to control the flavor of your smoothie.

Detox Smoothie Recipes For A Weight Loss Cleanse

Youve likely found this weight loss smoothie article because youre looking for weight loss smoothies. I can tell you that youve come to the right place!

Not only with you find 10 smoothies for weight loss, youll also find information to help you start a smoothie diet or a green smoothie detox, benefits of detox smoothies, directions on how to make detox smoothies, even a smoothie diet meal planner!

At the end of the article, I will share more weight loss smoothie recipes so keep scrolling for more smoothies recipes.

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The Pros And Cons Of Rapid Weight

As mentioned previously, body fat is simply stored calories.

To lose body fat you need to create a calorie deficit. A pound of fat has been observed to be around 3500 calories. If someone wished to lose one pound of fat a week they could create a calorie deficit of around 500 calories per day. When they consistently live to this deficit they would see their weight drop at a consistent one pound per week.

If someone wished to see faster weight loss they could increase that deficit further. And at times under medical supervision, this is recommended.

As mentioned previously the average adult male should eat about 2500 calories per day. If this man is overweight he could eat at 2000 calories to see the one pound per week loss. They could even eat at 1500 calories per day, a 1000 calorie deficit, to see faster weight loss without much concern.

However, nutrition is entirely prescriptive. A 500 calorie a day deficit is likely the most that the average person could manage. When people tend to restrict more than this they can come across adherence issues, nutritional deficiencies, and even muscle loss. The latter may not be of concern to the average person. But the average gym-goer may see this as a non-negotiable.

Smoothie diets tend to put the dieter into the very low-calorie diet bracket.

Effects on womens menstrual cycle

Women who menstruate and attempt long-term low-calorie diets can find that they lose their menstrual cycle.

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