Mango Smoothie Recipe For Weight Loss

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Mango Smoothie With Ice Cream


If youre looking for a smoothie that can double up as a healthy dessert, look no further!

This mango smoothie uses ice cream in place of yogurt, which thickens things up and adds a super creamy texture.

Kids will love this one and its pretty cool for adults too!


  • 1-2 mangoes

  • 3 ounces milk

  • 2 scoops ice cream


How To Make Mango Smoothie

The Mango smoothie made with yogurt is similar to Mango Lassi. Its rich and creamy thanks to the yogurt. I use ground cinnamon powder in this recipe, but feel free to add ground cardamom or vanilla extract for even more flavor.

I use honey as a sweetener in the yogurt based mango smoothie. Other better/healthier sweeteners include unrefined sugar, jaggery or palm jaggery, maple syrup, or coconut sugar. However, if the mangoes are very sweet then skip adding any sweetener.

1. First, rinse and peel 2 small to medium alphonso or kesar mangoes. Chop the mango flesh into small cubes. You will need 1.5 cups of chopped alphonso mangoes cubes total. Add the chopped cubes to a blender or mixer jar.

2. Add 1 cup of fresh curd . Also add 3 tablespoons honey or if needed, as mentioned above.

3. Sprinkle teaspoon of ground cinnamon powder, roughly 2 or 3 pinches, into the blender jar.

4. Blend to a smooth consistency.

5. Serve each mango smoothie in a tall glass. You can even chill the smoothie in the fridge for a few hours and then serve later. But I do recommend that you enjoy within the same day that it is prepared.

Top Results For Smoothies To Gain Weight Recipes


Diabetic Smoothies For Weight Gain | DiabetesTalk.Net

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Recipes: Healthy Smoothies For Weight Gain

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Weight Gain Smoothies – The Smoothie Site

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Which Recipe Did You Like Best

As you can see, there are lots of options when it comes to using mangoes in your smoothies.

Whether youre looking for breakfast, lunch or dessert smoothies, mangoes are the perfect ingredient for healthy, delicious and low calorie choices.

Feel free to share this article with your friends so they can enjoy these delicious recipes too!

Leave a comment below with your thoughts on these recipes and which one youll be making first.

If you have got any other questions about mangoes and making mango smoothies that havent been covered in this article, ask away in the comments!

The 10 Best Green Smoothie Recipes For Weight Loss:

Creamy Vegan Mango Smoothie

In this section you will find 10 weight loss smoothies. If you are looking to start a green smoothie diet, keep scrolling for 2 green smoothie diet options.

Here are some of the best green smoothie recipes I have found. I encourage you to try different ingredients and find the ones you especially like, because the goal is to drink these green smoothies as often as you can.

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Mango Banana Orange Smoothie

Its hard to beat this smoothie if youre looking for a drink that will quench your thirst, especially on a warm day.

If youre not drinking it straight away, keep it in the refrigerator for a super refreshing and healthy drink.

Servings: 1 smoothie

  • 4 ounces almond milk

  • Optional honey for a sweeter taste


  • Add all of the ingredients to your blender and pulse until smooth. If its too thick, add a bit more almond milk to thin it out. If you prefer a thicker smoothie, you may want to add a bit more mango.

  • Serve and enjoy!

  • What Ingredients Are In The Best Weight Loss Smoothies

    Healthy smoothies for weight loss are made with the right blend of weight loss foods that are scientifically proven to decrease body fat. Some of the common ingredients we include in these smoothies for weight loss are:

    • Protein powder for weight loss: these powders are low in sugar or other sweeteners, low in calories, and rich in high-quality protein that, in combination with strength exercises, will help build metabolism-boosting muscle mass
    • Healthy fats: healthy fats like nut butters, avocado, and MCT oil will help to slow digestion to keep you fuller longer to prevent overeating
    • Fiber: consuming fiber-rich ingredients like chia seeds, flaxseeds, hemp seeds, leafy greens, and oats can help prevent spikes in blood sugar that can lead to the storage of carbs as fat
    • Low sugar: fruit is the base of all smoothies, and because fruit naturally contains sugar, there’s no need to add extra sweeteners like honey, orange juice, or frozen yogurt that only serve to add empty calories

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    Are Mangoes High In Fiber

    According to the US Department of Agriculture, youll get around 2g of fiber from eating 100g of mango.

    A lot of the fiber in mangoes is of the soluble kind but youll also find insoluble fiber too.

    The parts of the mango flesh that are easy to chew are the soluble kind and the stringier parts are insoluble fiber.

    Fiber takes longer to be broken down by the body, which is one of the big reasons why it helps you to stay fuller for longer.

    This makes mangoes great from a weight loss perspective, especially if theyre combined with other fiber rich ingredients in a smoothie.

    There are other benefits linked to the fiber content of mangoes. It helps to keep cholesterol in check and the combination of fiber keeps your digestive system healthy.

    Regular bowel movements are a lot more likely if youre eating plenty of fiber.

    Do Smoothies For Weight Loss Actually Work

    Pineapple Mango Smoothie for weight Loss | Healthy Pineapple Mango Smoothie | Weight Loss Smoothie

    When you replace your standard breakfast with a weight loss smoothie, you can lose weight.

    On the Zero Belly Smoothies diet, a 39-year-old emergency-response adviser from Katy, Texas, Fred drank Zero Belly Smoothies as part of his weight-loss program. “I noticed results in the first week,” he says. “It really was amazing.” Fred lost 21 pounds and 5 inches off his waist over the next six weeks.

    Ohio’s Martha Chesler, 52, who lost 21 pounds and 7 inches off her waist in less than 40 days, had the same experience. “I saw results immediately,” she says.

    In fact, in our original Zero Belly Test Panel of more than 500 men and women, many lost up to 16 pounds in the first 14 days. Now you can achieve results like these even more quickly with this carefully created, highly effective collection of Zero Belly Smoothies.

    Read Also: One Day Smoothie Detox

    Nutritionists’ Favorite Weight Loss Smoothies

    For this selection, I asked the country’s top nutritionists to share with me their favorite weight loss smoothies, keeping the best weight loss foods in mind, and the results are all delicious and nutritious. Pay attention to the protein countsâif it’s under 25 grams, you don’t want them as a meal replacement, but rather paired with a meal.

    All recipes serve one unless otherwise indicated.

    by Isabel Smith, MS, RD, CDN

    “I really love this weight loss smoothie because it tastes super-decadent, but in reality is just loaded with a ton of natural, unprocessed, and healthful ingredients. The cocoa powder is a good source of flavonoids that are both brain and heart-healthy, and also makes the smoothie taste like I’ve added a ton of chocolate. In addition to the healthy cocoa, this smoothie also has other healthy ingredients like raspberries that are a source of immune-boosting vitamin C, and the spinach that’s a source of energizing B vitamins. If I have this smoothie post-workout, I’ll also add a plant-based protein like sprouted rice or pea protein to help my muscles recover more quickly.”

    • ½ banana

    by Kristin Reisinger, MS, RD, CSSD, founder and owner of IronPlate Studios

    • ½ cup frozen mixed berries
    • Handful of spinach
    • 8 oz unsweetened Silk almond milk
    • 1 scoop plant-based vanilla protein powder

    NUTRITION: 230 calories / 2.5 g fat / 20 g carbs / 5 g fiber / 7 g sugar / 26 g protein

    by Cassie Bjork, RD, LD of Redefined Weight Loss

    What Is The Best Way To Prepare A Mango

    It is best to eat it fresh, to enjoy its full and unique taste. Before use, wash it thoroughly in cold water, to remove dust and possible pesticides that are used sometimes to make it ripe quicker. Peel it and slice it into cubes or strips to separate the meat from the shell easier.

    Mango cubes are also a great addition to various types of fruit salads. We can also make a great mango weight loss drink.

    Mango juice recipe for weight loss:


    • Mango
    • 2 dl of water

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    The Apple Banana Smoothie

    Image and recipe by

    Bananas are a great source of potassium, which is an essential mineral for the body.

    Bananas also have lots of fiber and vitamin B6, which helps with nerve function in your brain!

    If you make a banana smoothie, its quick and easy to get all these health benefits.

    This smoothie is also said to be beneficial for weight loss. This is more of a meal replacement.

    Ingredients: Banana, orange, apple, fresh lemon juice.

    Check out the procedure here.

    Image and recipe by

    This blueberry muffin smoothie will revitalize you and get your day going.

    Its quick, easy to make, and tastes amazing!

    This gonna be a perfectly sweet and ultra-thick smoothie as if you are enjoying a blueberry muffin.

    Ingredients: Milk, Greek yogurt, frozen blueberries, banana, gluten-free oats, lemon, and ice cubes.

    The delicious recipe is here.

    Tips On How To Make Mango Smoothies

    15 Weight Loss Smoothies That Won

    Here are some more tips to help you while making the following mangos smoothies recipes.

    1. For these mango recipes, cut up a whole mango into 1 inch cubes, then freeze into 2 cup servings. This way youll have the exact amount you need without chopping up a new mango every time.

    2. Many grocery stores will also have frozen mangos, this means you can enjoy these mango smoothie recipes all year long! Try to get organic both in frozen and fresh produce if possible.

    3. If youre using fresh mangoes, make sure they are ripe for maximum sweetness and creaminess.

    4. I also recommend you serve these mango smoothies quickly since they generally taste best when cold.

    5. Finally, always wash out your smoothie right away after making smoothies with mangoes. And by right away, I mean before you drink your mango smoothie! This will help to keep the fruit from sticking, and will make clean up a breeze.

    Special Tip: If youre serious about mango smoothies, I recommend you check out our list of best smoothie blenders. A good smoothie blender encourages you to drink more smoothies, and the health benefits are worth splurging for.

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    Lemon Kale Protein Detox

    Putting lemon in your blender is like taking out a nutrition insurance policy for your smoothie. That’s because a significant percentage of the antioxidant polyphenols in any food or drink break down before they reach your bloodstream. But researchers at Purdue University discovered that adding lemon juice to the equation helped preserve the polyphenols.

    • ½ lemon, peeled and seeded
    • ½ frozen banana
    • ½ cup unsweetened almond milk
    • 1 scoop plain plant-based protein powder
    • 3 ice cubes
    • Water to blend

    NUTRITION: 254 calories / 7 g fat / 20 g carbs / 5 g fiber / 10 g sugar / 30 g protein

    Smoothies To Gain Weight Recipes


    8 High Calorie Weight Gain Smoothies Recipes – AppetiteMax

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    10 Amazing Weight Gain Smoothie Recipes- Healthkart Blog

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    Mango Chia Smoothie Recipe

    By Shambhavi Singh Created on : May 31, 2021

    Mango Chia Smoothie Recipe | Mango Chia Seeds Milkshake Recipe for Weight LossIf You Love Fruity Drinks Youll Love This Mango Chia Smoothie!

    I know that you love your smoothies but because you might be having one almost every day so you might be bored now! And this is the time when you want to try different variations to keep your taste buds guessing as to what comes next.

    Other yummy mango recipes could be mango falooda with ice cream or eggless mango cake to try at home. If you want recipes for losing weight then checkout the Top 10 dishes for weight loss. Then if you are craving for a simple dessert, then try shrikhand at home or the 20 refreshing summer drinks.

    You must add chia seeds when you can because they are just packed full of so much goodness but if for some reason youre not a fan of it, then you can skip them and try flax seed. This smoothie would be your best friend while beating the heat this summer. The chia seeds will help you reduce your weight gradually and keep you full the whole day.

    The mango present in it will act as a refreshing element and keep your skin and body hydrated. So, darling if you are that fitness freak and also a foodie, then you have landed on the right place. And if you are reading it then I can guarantee that you have the best and the easiest recipe t your disposal.

    If any other query is hitting your mind, then post your comment and I will revert to your message soon.

    Instructions To Make The Breakfast Drink

    Pineapple Mango Oatmeal Smoothie (Weight Loss Smoothie Recipe)
  • The first step in the process is to soak chia seeds in water overnight.
  • 2. Add the ingredients to a blender in the following order. So the first in your order should be mangoes cut in small pieces.

    3. Then go with your Greek yogurt or home made curd. Add 1/4 cup of it.

    4. Now add your fresh milk. Add 1/2 cup of milk. You can add more as peryour convenience.

    5. Now add your sweetener or sugar as per taste. Or if you want my advice then yo can add 2 tsp of sugar.

    6. Now add the already soaked chia seeds in the mixture.

    7. The final mixture of all your added products will look like the below depicted picture.

    8. Blend until smooth and creamy, scraping down the sides and adding more milk as needed.

    9. Taste and adjust sweetness to your liking, and blend again for a few seconds to incorporate more sweetener or sugar if required. After this, your tasty and refreshing Mango Smoothie with Chia Seeds is ready to be served.

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    African Mango Is A Slimming Agent Recommended By Doctors

    It is a powerful appetite suppressant, it contains a lot of fiber that helps eliminate excess body fat and supports metabolic function.

    It consists of 50% fat, 26.4% carbohydrates, 7.5% protein and, of course, 14% fiber, so it is also suitable for diabetics. The high fiber content helps to reduce cholesterol, glucose, and triglycerides in the blood.

    Research shows that antioxidants and enzymes in mango have the power to protect against breast cancer, colon and prostate cancer, and leukemia. Many even believe that mango can prevent all types of cancer and that it contains more antioxidants than any other registered medicine for cancer treatment. In addition, only one mango a day reduces the amount of cholesterol and blood sugar by 40 percent.

    Mango belongs to those great foods that, due to the high content of vitamins A, B3, B5, B6, C, E and fiber, support digestion, reduce the risk of kidney stones, improve concentration, memory, and have beneficial effects on the eye nerve.

    Mango strengthens the immune system and even prevents HIV from advancing from one stage to the next. Mango is also an aphrodisiac and increases a sense of satiety, so its a great hunger suppressant for everyone who wants to get rid of excess pounds.

    Savory Weight Loss Smoothies

    A smoothie can be a lot of things: a pre- or post-workout boost, a cold and refreshing thirst quencher, a thick and creamy dessert, a perfectly balanced breakfast. But one thing most of us never think of when we think of smoothies: comfort food.

    These recipes, from the book Zero Belly Smoothies, stake out a new territory in the smoothie landscape, a culinary point of departure into a taste realm you might not have considered. While these smoothies are still cold and refreshing, they’re going to taste more like a savory soup than a bright pick-me-up.

    • ¼ cup unsweetened almond milk
    • 1 scoop plant-based plain protein powder
    • 3 ice cubes
    • Water to blend

    NUTRITION: 232 calories / 2 g fat / 28 g carbs / 3.5 g fiber / 10 g sugar / 26 g protein

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    Are Mangoes High In Potassium

    Most people associate bananas with potassium but its not the only fruit that will boost your intake of this important electrolyte. Mango is also considered to be a high potassium fruit as it can give you over 300 mg of magnesium through just one medium mango.

    Not sure why exactly you need potassium for good health?

    It helps your body in some important ways.

    If you dont consume enough potassium through your diet, it can affect the balance of fluids in your body and this can have potentially serious effects on your health.

    A healthy heart rhythm, the transmission of nerve signals to and from the brain and muscle contraction are both linked to potassium intake.

    Getting plenty of potassium in your diet helps to lower your blood pressure.

    Making a smoothie that contains both mango and banana is an easy way to increase your potassium intake.

    Add in some orange juice too and youre well on your way to meeting your daily potassium needs in just one smoothie.

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