Vitamin C Immune Booster Smoothie

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Tips For Making The Best Smoothie

Immunity Boosting Smoothie

I like my smoothies COLD so I use a mix of frozen ingredients and ice. There is no need to trim the greens off the strawberries and/or carrots- theres a ton of nutrients in them! I also like to add a scoop of collagen powder because its tasteless and I like the added benefits that come along with it. This smoothie gets a nice citrus punch from the freshly squeezed lemon so make sure to include it!

What is your go-to when youre fighting a cold?

recipe by Mountain Mama Cooks/photos by Kellie Hatcher

Kick Your Immune System Into High

Whether its cold and flu season or just allergy season, keeping a strong immune system should always be your top priority.And theres no better way to get your daily dose of immune-boosting nutrients than in a refreshing smoothie!This immunity booster smoothie contains the vitamins and minerals your body needs to fight off infections, prevent illnesses and keep your health in tip-top shape! In addition to vitamin C-rich superfoods, this immunity booster smoothie offers the added benefits of nutritious greens from our Super Green mix and plant protein from our Skinny Protein mix.Are you ready to strengthen your immune system naturally? Make an immunity booster smoothie today!Happy blending!

Health Benefits Of An Immune Green Smoothie

Bananas: Its no secret that vitamin C is a natural preventative when it comes to getting sick. Bananas are respectable sources of vitamin C and promote healthy bones.

Fresh ginger: Many people use ginger to help with morning sickness and relieve nausea. There has also been a study that ginger reduces muscle pain. Also, ginger has beneficial effects on the digestive system, which plays a key role in our health.

Green apples: These are a great addition to an immune-boosting smoothie, because green apples have a high fiber content which helps increase metabolism.

Honey: Mother Natures natural sweet treat has great anti-inflammatory benefits. We eat honey a few times a week for breakfast. It contains hydrogen peroxide and has a low pH level, which means it could kill fungi and harmful bacteria.

Lemon: Its best to use lemon juice from a freshly cut lemon, not from a long-shelved lemon juice bottle. Lemons are chock full of health benefits and are loaded with vitamins. They are one of my favorite supplements for digestion, bad breath, cleaning, regulating weight, and a source of vitamin C.

Coconut milk: A great dairy-free milk option. It contains great benefits for skin and hair.

Spinach: You cant find a richer vegetable in vitamin K than spinach. Also, this plant-based superfood is an excellent source of vitamins A and C. I like adding spinach into smoothies and salads because it also happens to be a source of iron.

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Did You Know That Bell Peppers Have More Vitamin C Than An Orange

True story. A small orange has 51.1 mg of vitamin C while a large sweet red bell pepper has 209.4 mg . Talk about a powerhouse! And to think we have been nomming on oranges all these years to help our immune systems.

Why is vitamin C important to the immune system?

While vitamin C might not help you kick a cold, research shows that people who have diets high in it have a better chance of fending off germs in the first place!

So, basically this Vitamin C Immune Boosting smoothie wont fix your sniffles, but it can be a great thing to add into your routine to help give your body the tools it needs to keep you healthy despite the germs that might be surrounding you. So, get blending!

Recipes To Boost Your Immune System

Immune Boosting Smoothie Recipe

This year, Im prepared. Immune-boosting ingredients like ginger, turmeric, probiotics, plus plenty of vitamins and these immunity-boosting recipes will help fight off the crud and and keep your immune system strong. Ready to give them a try? Scroll down to find out more.

To keep your immune system humming, whip up this sweet, tart smoothie with grapefruit as well as ginger, beets, chia seeds and yogurt for probiotics.

Well show you how to make an oxymel at home its a combination of apple cider vinegar and honey infused with immunity-boosting herbs.

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Peach Berry Immune Boosting Smoothie Recipe

Learn how to make a immune booster smoothie with Emergen C. This is a delicious recipe with peaches, strawberries, and yogurt for a boost of vitamin C, protein, and fruits to support your immune system.

I don’t know about you, but I don’t have time to be sick. I work more than full time plus have kids. If I take a day off, it can take several days to get caught up again.

I know it’s the same for my fellow moms!

That’s why I take steps to support my immune system, like making this immune booster smoothie recipe. It’s an easy recipe, so you can make it even when you feel icky.

Your kids will like this Vitamin C smoothie recipe too. Shhh don’t tell them that it’s good for them!

Whats In This Green Smoothie

Lets run down our smoothie benefits. This green smoothie is a far cry from tasting anything like the mega doses of greens and vitamins in it because of the natural sweetness of the fruit weve added to our blend.

I used both kale and spinach in this recipe for a mega doses of vitamin C. They provide a powerful antioxidant punch, plus calcium, folate and fiber to help boost immunity and sometimes even fight off infection.

Next up: the sweet stuff. Vitamin C-packed mango, pineapple and kiwi give this smoothie its sweet slurp. Mango has even been shown to protect against cancer and may help lower cholesterol. An extra squeeze of purifying lemon juice adds a fresh, bright squeeze, too.

To help ward against cold bugs even more, I added fresh ginger to the mix. Ginger has been proven to help with nausea, pain and inflammation. All the extras that come with a cold and general malaise.

Every smoothie needs a liquid and Almond Breeze Original Almondmilkdoes the best job here. I always have a box or two of the shelf stable Almondmilk in my pantry so that smoothie making is always an easy option.

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Can Be Made With

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Many of our customers purchase our Extended Warranty, which covers your nutribullet for an additional 3 years beyond the 1-year standard warranty.

Gather Your Ingredients To Prepare This Immunity

Make a Vitamin C Smoothie

Gather and prep all your ingredients before starting to make your smoothie. You’ll need to peel and dice a cup’s worth of oranges and a small banana. Also, mince a teaspoon of fresh ginger . Otherwise, simply gather together apple cider vinegar, honey, ground turmeric, pink Himalayan salt, black pepper, and a cup of ice. That’s it!

While you may be tempted to sub ground ginger for freshly minced ginger, try to ignore the temptation. Castellano points out that the drying process removes some of the gingerol content, reducing the spice’s immunity-boosting properties. “Gingerols are phytonutrients that anit-inflammatory properties,” she says. “Fresh ginger is best here for its flavor and immunity-supporting purpose.”

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Fighting Off Seasonal Colds

Tis the season for colds around here. Every spring one of us seems to suffer from the sniffles and/or a cough. I blame it on having school aged kids plus the weather changing so drastically. If Im not careful, my cold will quickly turn into a sinus infection. I swear I never had a sinus infection until after giving birth. How weird is that? Anyway, Ive learned the hard way so now Im diligent about keeping any kind of cold or allergy flare up at bay and I load up on Vitamin C and avoid dairy if I feel like Im starting to get something.

What Is Emergen C

I use Emergen C in my Vitamin C smoothie recipe because it makes it easy to get the right amount. They are small packets to add to water with vitamins and minerals to support your immune system.

I use the Super Orange original Emergen C, but they have several other flavors. You could make an Emergen C smoothie recipe with coconut pineapple, cranberry pomegranate, lemon lime, raspberry, pink lemonade, strawberry kiwi, or tangerine.

You would use the same immune booster smoothie recipe and use different fruits.

I like using Emergen C to support my immune system, but I’m not crazy about the taste. I’ll drink it when I need to, but this Emergen C smoothie recipe tastes better than using the packet in water.

Emergen C is for kids 14 years old and older and adults. Two of mine are over 14, so they can drink the a vitamin C smoothie recipe.

I can’t get them to drink the powder in water, but they will happily drink an Emergen C smoothie recipe.

Each Emergen C packet has 1000 mg of vitamin C, so don’t drink all of this Vitamin C smoothie recipe at once. Save half for the following day.

Emergen C is getting harder to find. I linked to Amazon, but iHerb also carries it. You can get free shipping at only $20 at iHerb.

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How To Make Vitamin C Smoothie Cubes

First, smoothie cubes are something I love. A smoothie cube is a concentrated blend of fruits, vegetables and leafy greens, liquids, and/or other ingredients that I like to add to my smoothies for an extra boost of nutrients. I’ve created several smoothie cube recipes to get specific natural benefits, just like these smoothie cubes to boost vitamin C.

The vitamin C smoothie cubes are great to add to your regular daily smoothie or when you feel a cold coming on. Four cubes is roughly equal to ½ cup fruit. So the cubes can be substituted for some of the fruit or added in place of the fruit – totally up to you the vitamin C benefits will be felt either way!

Making smoothie cubes is very simple. Just blend all of the ingredients until smooth and pour into ice cube trays. Let them freeze until firm then store in the freezer to have on hand whenever you need an extra dose of the immune boosting vitamins.

How do you like to get in all the vitamins and minerals you can each day? I love when I can get in a vitamin naturally, and make the most of the benefits that nutrient provides. Let me know if you make these vitamin C cubes by leaving a comment + review below, because I’d love to know what you think!

Vitamin C Powerhouse Smoothie

Immune boosting avocado and mint green smoothie

Load up on vitamin C the natural way with this refreshing Vitamin C Powerhouse Smoothie recipe. This immune boosting smoothie is packed full of delicious vitamin C rich ingredients.

This Vitamin C Powerhouse Smoothie is delicious, refreshing and packed full of ingredients high in vitamin C. I actually developed this recipe a number of years back as part of one of my assignments for the Culinary Nutrition Expert Program . I was cleaning up my computer files and was so happy to rediscover this smoothie! It sure does pack a vitamin C punch. Grab your blender and give it a try!

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Tips And Faqs To Make The Best Smoothie

Can I Add Protein To This Smoothie?

Yes! You can always add a scoop of protein powder or collagen powder to add an extra boost of protein to this smoothie!

Can I Use Frozen Bananas?

Absolutely! It is a smart idea to freeze bananas right before they go bad so you always have them on hand for a smoothie!

Collagen or Protein PowderI love adding a scoop of collagen or protein powder to all of my smoothies! My favorite collagen powder is Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides.

Other Ingredients You Can AddChia seeds are also a great addition to this smoothie! These are great for your digestive system and help get rid of toxins!

Immunity Boosting Smoothie Bowl

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This post is sponsored by Patient First. This immunity-boosting smoothie recipe is filled with good-for-you ingredients to help keep you feeling your best during cold and flu season! Read on for the recipe and follow the tips from Patient First physicians to learn how to stay healthy!

With kids back at school and many adults going back to work, were all looking for ways to stay healthy. In order to feel my best, Ive been trying to fill my diet with foods that help support a healthy immune system! Ive partnered with Patient First to create a few different smoothie recipes to keep you feeling great!

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Emergen C Smoothie Tips

You can use plain Greek yogurt or a flavored yogurt for this immune booster smoothie recipe. I used strawberry yogurt to make this one, but I’ve used plain yogurt too. I like to make my own Instant Pot cold start yogurt.

I keep sliced peach and strawberries in the freezer. I also freeze cubes of Greek yogurt. I put them in a silicone ice cube tray so they are easier to get out. I also use the yogurt for this easy DIY Greek yogurt face mask recipe and for yogurt hair mask recipes.

Note that each packet of Emergen C has 2000 mg of Vitamin C, so you should only drink half of this recipe. You can save the rest in the freezer. Let it thaw for a few minutes before drinking.

You can also turn this Emergen C smoothie recipe into popsicles. Just pour into a popsicle mold. Depending on your mold size, you can have one or two a day.

Health Benefits Of Yogurt

Immune Booster Smoothie Recipe | Best Foods For Immunity Power | Ruchi Chudu | Vanitha TV
  • Yogurt is high in calcium which promotes bone and teeth health.
  • Yogurt is an excellent source of B vitamins.
  • Yogurt is commonly fortified with vitamin D which also supports immune system health.
  • Yogurt provides almost every nutrient your body needs!

Ready to get blending? Here is my first Immune Boosting Smoothie!

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More Benefits Of Vitamin C

Did you know that vitamin C does more than boost the immune system? Your body needs vitamin C to produce collagen , help the brain transmit messages properly, as well as help the body absorb iron. The antioxidants in vitamin C help the body fight certain cancers, along with aiding in wound care.

Repeat after me: I promise to make sure my diet has enough vitamin C every day!

Easy And Simple Immune Boosting Green Smoothie

Whether its the cold, flu, or allergy season, or maybe youre just in the mood for a refreshing, flavorful drink, an immune-boosting green smoothie is always a good idea. This creamy and healthy smoothie made with coconut milk is naturally sweetened with honey and packed with vitamins and antioxidants that will help boost your immune system, any season you drink it.

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Foods High In Vitamin C

Vitamin C occurs naturally in a whole host of fruits and vegetables. Some delicious, whole foods that give me natural vitamin C benefits are:

  • Citrus fruits are a great source of vitamin C. These include oranges, grapefruit, guava, kiwi, lemons, lime, pineapple, and more.
  • Papaya
  • Kale
  • Cauliflower

Make sure to get around 65-90mg of vitamin C a day as a healthy adult, and around 120mg a day when breastfeeding, to get the benefits. To put this in practical terms, 1 orange has approximately 51mg of vitamin C. 1 cup chopped kale has 80 mg. Basically, a green smoothie a day will keep your body happy and vitamin C-boosted.

Protein + Vitamin C Smoothie Recipe

Try These Smoothie Recipes to Boost Your Immune System ...

Made with whole fruits, greens, and protein, this vitamin C smoothie will help you feel healthy, satiated, and ready to take on the day.

This vitamin-packed smoothie includes a few of the top vitamin C-rich fruits and vegetables to boost immune the system:

  • Strawberries
  • Kiwi
  • Kale
  • 1-1.5 cups unsweetened almond milk
  • 2 scoops vegan protein powder
  • 1 kiwi, peeled and cut
  • 1 cup strawberries, trimmed
  • 1 tbsp almond butter
  • 1/2 cup ice

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Prep And Blend Your Smoothie

When it comes time to make your smoothie, you know what to do. Simply add all the ingredients to your high-speed blender, then blend until completely combined and smooth. For the quickest blend , start by placing the apple cider vinegar, honey, and spices in first, stirring for a second to combine, then follow up with the bananas and oranges, saving the hardest ingredient for last.

Ingredients For The Immunity Boosting Smoothie:

  • Oranges

Loaded Immunity Boosting Smoothie Ingredients

Despite the current weather changes, we all need to load up with fresh and nutrient-rich fruits and veggies to help boost our immunity.

The Most common challenge for not making or having a smoothie is not having enough time to make something healthy !

Well, with this smoothie, you have an absolutely gorgeous and delicious recipe ready in 5 minutes.

Its a powerhouse of nutrients that can help you fight the common cold infection and super boost your immunity.

As I was also recovering from a seasonal cold, nothing looks better than a fresh homemade Loaded Vitamin C Immune Booster Smoothie to help raise my bodys immunity to fight germs and free radicals.

Along with the fresh fruits and veggies, I went a step ahead and added matcha powder, turmeric, chia powder, coconut milk, and aloe juice to help me heal, stay stronger and feel healthier.

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