Smoothie Diet For Belly Fat

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Almond Milk Chia Smoothie For Weight Loss

Lose BELLY FAT fast | Weight loss smoothie | 14 days Weight Loss Plan

Do you have a sweet tooth? Try this yummy smoothie recipe. Almond milk has several health benefits. It especially helps you in effective weight loss. Here’s one smoothie recipe for you which you can have for your breakfast and get rid of the extra kilos.

Ingredients You Need:

2. Chia seeds

3. Ripped banana

4. Cacao powder

5. Some almond flakes

6. Shredded dark chocolates

Instructions To Make It

Grab a blender and put all the ingredients into it . Now mix everything well and blend it till the time you get that smooth and chocolaty texture. Pour it in a glass, now top it with some shredded dark chocolate and roasted almonds. Voila your delicious weight loss drink is ready.

Papaya Yogurt And Peppermint

This tropical mint smoothie tastes so refreshing that youll imagine youve been transported to a remote island paradise. Packed with vitamin C, papaya contains an enzyme called papain, which helps you break down difficult-to-digest foods, preventing inflammation and belly bloat. And not only does Greek yogurt add a creamy texture to this smoothie, but the gut-friendly bacteria in most yogurts help keep your digestive system healthy and reduce gas, bloating and constipation. Rich in fiber, peppermint promotes digestion and helps your body dissolve gas, which helps make your stomach look flatter.

Peanut Butter And Banana Smoothie

You probably read that again. And yes, you read it right. Peanut butter can actually help you slim down. Peanut butter and banana are great sources of protein, which is also very important in losing weight. If youre up for peanut buttery goodness, heres what you do:

What you need:

½ cup of crunchy low-fat peanut butter

½ cup of non-fat milk

a handful of ice cubes

1 tablespoon of whey protein

To make your delicious and belly fat burning smoothie, just blend all these together until smooth. Enjoy!

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Top Smoothies That Promote Weight Loss

First up is one of my favourite food bloggers. Carolyn from All Day I Dream About Food somehow makes low carb super delicious in taste and looks.

Carolyn uses:

  • Avocado which is full of healthy, beneficial fats that will keep you feeling full and sustain you until your next meal. A great addition of your losing weight. With nearly 20 vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients they certainly pack a punch.
  • Matcha. A far more potent source of nutrients than its poor cousin green tea, matcha is rich in antioxidants and polyphenols which both boost our protection against cancer and heart disease.

Health Benefits Of Detoxification

The Ultimate Belly Fat Burning Smoothie

The mango detox smoothie has many health benefits. Not only weight loss but a detox diet can also help you in many ways. You will start to notice the physical and mental improvements in your body. Some of the health benefits are mentioned below:

  • It will help you with acne cleaning.
  • You will get rid of bloating, gas, constipation and heartburn.
  • This can help you in quick weight loss.
  • Helpful in stopping chronic fatigue.
  • Boosts your energy and immunity.
  • Helpful in stopping mood change.
  • You will be more focused.

For Other Smoothie Recipes, You Can Click below:

Read Also: Banana Smoothie For Weight Loss

Are Smoothies Good For Weight Loss

Smoothies can be great for weight loss, especially if theyre made with the ingredients I mentioned above. These ingredients will ensure your smoothie is filling and satisfying, which will keep you feeling full for hours.

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Of course, smoothies can also be ideal for weight gain because its easy to pack a ton of calories into one smoothie just by adding a few calorie-dense foods like nut butter, full fat coconut milk, etc. You can easily make a 600-700 calorie smoothie without feeling like youre having to eat a ton of food.

It also depends on how you are incorporating smoothies into your day whether youre using them to accompany a meal, as a meal replacement or as a snack. Its important to be mindful about the ingredients youre using and the calories if weight loss is your goal. Meal replacement smoothies usually contain 350-500 calories, whereas most snack smoothies are typically around 200-250 calories.

This recipe can be made into 1 or 2 servings and eaten as a meal replacement or as a snack, depending on your needs. Oftentimes Ill have this smoothie for breakfast and pair it with a couple hard boiled eggs for extra protein!

Avocado And Berries Smoothie For Belly Fat

We have already discussed the benefits of avocados, it’s one of the best sources of good fat and you should add it to your diet. What else? make a smoothie out of it. Yes, try our most favorite berry blast recipe and get rid of belly fat.

Ingredients You Need:

1. Half avocado

2. Hand full or fresh berries

3. Greek yogurt

4. Almond milk or low-fat skimmed milk

5. Chia seeds

Instructions To Make It

Take a blender and add all the ingredients mentioned above. Mix and blend everything well. Pour it in a glass. You have your weight loss drink ready. Do not forget to add chia seeds on the top. Avocados and berries are excellent for weight loss. Chia seeds can help you stay fuller for a longer time.

Read Also: Good Breakfast Smoothies For Weight Loss

Lemon Kale Protein Detox

Putting lemon in your blender is like taking out a nutrition insurance policy for your smoothie. That’s because a significant percentage of the antioxidant polyphenols in any food or drink break down before they reach your bloodstream. But researchers at Purdue University discovered that adding lemon juice to the equation helped preserve the polyphenols.

  • ½ lemon, peeled and seeded
  • ½ frozen banana
  • ½ cup unsweetened almond milk
  • 1 scoop plain plant-based protein powder
  • 3 ice cubes
  • Water to blend

NUTRITION: 254 calories / 7 g fat / 20 g carbs / 5 g fiber / 10 g sugar / 30 g protein

Day Detox Smoothie Diet

7 HEALTHY and EASY Smoothie Recipes (for building muscle & fat loss)

This 7 day Detox Smoothie Diet is so popular, its been made into a best selling cookbook!

You dont have to buy the book to get the 7 day green smoothie cleanse plan though if you do buy it, you get 3 other plans as well.

Here you will find the FREE Detox Week weight loss cleanse. It will help you shed weight fast, with the help of detox smoothie recipes

Check out this free weight loss cleanse, and the book that has become a best seller!

Also Check: Thinkthin High Protein Smoothie Mix

Apple And Almond Smoothie:

This is an instant filling recipe which is tasty and healthy for reducing belly fat. Simply mix:

  • A peeled/unpeeled apple
  • 1 1/2 cups of almond milk
  • 2 tablespoons vanilla protein powder and
  • Cinnamon and nutmeg powder as per taste

Blend together with 5-6 ice cubes and enjoy this yummy-licious smoothie. Its nutritional value is very high and apple is anytime healthy when it comes to choice of fruits.

Banana Mango & Avocado Smoothie

Avocados are not only delicious, but they are filled with heart healthy fats. Fun fact I also learned avocados actually have more potassium than bananas! Avocados are so filling, which makes this smoothie suitable for a satisfying breakfast if you are in a bind!

Along with getting plenty of water, veggies are going to help out tremendously with belly bloat. This recipe combines a lot of belly bloating crushers: spinach, ginger, and pineapple .

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Add Foods That Supply Digestive Enzymes

We notice our waistline expand after eating because our body is working overtime to digest our foods. Everyone’s response period is different, and the goal is to choose smoothie ingredients that speed up the process. Poon recommends adding fresh pineapple or papaya to your mix since they contain digestive enzymes to help you digest efficiently.

“Both bromelain and papainthe enzymes found in these fruitshappen to be particularly adept at breaking down proteins,” she explains. “So, they will minimize bloating, too.”

What Pills To Take For Weight Loss

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Savory Weight Loss Smoothies

A smoothie can be a lot of things: a pre- or post-workout boost, a cold and refreshing thirst quencher, a thick and creamy dessert, a perfectly balanced breakfast. But one thing most of us never think of when we think of smoothies: comfort food.

These recipes, from the book Zero Belly Smoothies, stake out a new territory in the smoothie landscape, a culinary point of departure into a taste realm you might not have considered. While these smoothies are still cold and refreshing, they’re going to taste more like a savory soup than a bright pick-me-up.

  • ¼ cup unsweetened almond milk
  • 1 scoop plant-based plain protein powder
  • 3 ice cubes
  • Water to blend

NUTRITION: 232 calories / 2 g fat / 28 g carbs / 3.5 g fiber / 10 g sugar / 26 g protein

Butter Apple And Asparagus

This thick green smoothie and cream provide a slightly sweet taste and soil. Butter is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids fats from plants help increase heart health.

The latest research also shows that these dietary superstars can even easily digest and target belly fat.

Crunchy apples contain fiber to slow down digestion, and they are made up of nearly 85 percent of water to keep you hydrated and reduce flatulence.

But thats not all: We are also throwing asparagus and spinach! Both vegetables are low in calories and high in fiber, helping you stay full longer between meals. And as a natural diuretic, asparagus facilitates digestion to reduce discomfort and bloat.

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Smoothies And Weight Loss

Before you go jumping into smoothies thinking they are a magic weight-loss elixir, you should know that no single smoothie can promote weight loss on its own. Weight loss requires a total lifestyle change and not just drinking smoothies and thinking you are good to go. Smoothies should be used to complement other ways of losing weight. Hence in addition to smoothies, you need to stay active and exercise, watch what you eat, avoid stress, get enough sleep, and drink a lot of water.

When you look at weight loss from a big picture where you incorporate all the factors that weve mentioned above, then the weight loss becomes easier and more sustainable, which should be your goal. It is easy to lose weight compared to keeping the weight you lost away.

Another thing to note is that targeted weight loss does not exist. You cannot choose only to lose weight in one body part. Weight loss happens through the entire body. For that reason, if you want to lose belly fat, you need to lose overall weight to the point your belly as well as all the other body parts are small as you wanted.

Belly Fat Burning Smoothies Featuring Greens

Breakfast Smoothies For Weight Loss | How to Lose Belly Fat With Smoothies

Theres a reason why women are suddenly all about the green revolution. And theres also a reason why they want to drink their meals instead of eat them. In fact, there are a lot of reasons why girls of all ages suddenly want to lose weight not by restrictive dieting and torturing workouts.

They opt to choose the much relaxed and healthier alternative, which is consuming belly fat burning smoothies featuring greens.

So, when it all comes down to advantages, what are the supreme edges of green belly fat burning smoothies?

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Orange Creamsicle Protein Shake

The high-protein, high-fiber profile of this creamy smoothie makes it an excellent choice when youre battling hunger during your weight loss journey. Both protein and fiber slow down digestion and promote satiety signals to be sent to the brain. Together, well, lets just say food will be off your mind for the next few hoursunless like me you enjoy the smoothie too much and cannot wait to have it again! Paul Salter, MS, RD, and former nutrition editor of

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How To Lose Weight

Most people are under the impression that losing weight just comes down to eating less. Some refer to it as CICO, or calories in/calories out. This means you consume fewer calories than you exert through physical activity and simply existing .

But, theres more to it than that:

  • Choose high-quality calories. You also have to take into account the quality of your calories if you want to really thrive. Think about it200 calories of broccoli is going to treat your body differently than 200 calories of candy, so why do people act as if theyre equal? One gives you vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fiber, and a feeling of fullness, while the other just spikes your blood sugar.
  • Eat whole foods. Processed foods and drinks carry ingredients your body doesnt recognize and cant use, including ingredients that are straight up toxic. Fat protects us from toxins by absorbing them, and it is then stubborn in coming off because it is resolute in doing its job of keeping toxins from metabolizing and harming our bodies.

You can avoid this push-and-pull by simply eating whole, unprocessed foods or foods that are as minimally processed as possible. Whole foods are naturally detoxifying, and once the toxins are gone, your fat cells no longer have a reason to stick around.

Some theorize that foods high in resistant starch actually bind calories, so that you absorb fewer than the food actually contains.

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Top 10 Weight Loss Smoothie Recipes

Weight loss smoothies can be a bit hardcore, but I believe it will help you see results more quickly when combined with an awesome exercise goal. I hope you try these recipes and love the results when you are consistently drinking them:

Meal Replacement Smoothie– Smoothies are considered the healthiest fast food because you can make a quick, filling meal in five minutes! Put that theory to the test with this lovely berry smoothie.

Anti-Inflammatory Smoothie– Chronic inflammation keeps our bodies from reaching their full potential. Fight that head-on with this soothing smoothie recipe.

Beginner’s Luck Green Smoothie– This is THE best green smoothie! It’s been voted #1 by far and is both delicious and nutritious.

Apple Celery Smoothie– The green smoothie of all green smoothies, this one’s got a healthy boost and a unique ingredient list.

Pineapple Ginger Smoothie– Fresh ginger has so many health benefits, and paired with pineapple is quite easy to digest.

MCT Oil Smoothie– Your metabolism needs fat to help digest food. MCT oil is an easy and efficient way to get healthy fat into your body.

Chocolate Weight loss Smoothie– Gain natural energy and burn fat with this yummy cacao-filled smoothie.

Smoothie for Brain Fog– Clear the cobwebs and benefit from better focus with this genius smoothie.

Raspberry Smoothie– Is it a dessert or a smoothie? This creamy, ruby smoothie is healthy and just plain pretty.

What Ingredients Are In The Best Weight Loss Smoothies

Easy Berry Belly Fat Smoothie

Healthy smoothies for weight loss are made with the right blend of weight loss foods that are scientifically proven to decrease body fat. Some of the common ingredients we include in these smoothies for weight loss are:

  • Protein powder for weight loss: these powders are low in sugar or other sweeteners, low in calories, and rich in high-quality protein that, in combination with strength exercises, will help build metabolism-boosting muscle mass
  • Healthy fats: healthy fats like nut butters, avocado, and MCT oil will help to slow digestion to keep you fuller longer to prevent overeating
  • Fiber: consuming fiber-rich ingredients like chia seeds, flaxseeds, hemp seeds, leafy greens, and oats can help prevent spikes in blood sugar that can lead to the storage of carbs as fat
  • Low sugar: fruit is the base of all smoothies, and because fruit naturally contains sugar, there’s no need to add extra sweeteners like honey, orange juice, or frozen yogurt that only serve to add empty calories

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