What Green Smoothies Are Good For Weight Loss

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Apple Pie Green Smoothie

Fat-Burning Green Smoothie for Weight Loss

This is a really healthy vegetable smoothie recipe that has a very unique taste thanks to the apple pie spices and vanilla. Its one of my favorites to make in the Fall to remind me of apple pie.

Apples are high in fiber, vitamin C and various antioxidants. They are also very filling, with a relatively low calorie content. Studies show that eating apples can have a lot of health benefits .

Top Weight Loss Foods To Blend

If leaning up if your goal, the ingredients you use in your smoothie can work against you… or for you. I’m gonna break down the ones I used in this smoothie to help you see WHY I used them to hit my summer body goals: turn my fat into muscle and have the energy to workout.

Spinach: Full of phytonutrients and fiber to minimize any blood sugar spikes from the natural sugars in the smoothie.

Almond milk: Contains a little bit of protein and promotes a creamy smoothie base.

Banana: Adds a little natural sweetness to give you an energy boost.

Almond butter: Curbs your appetite and helps your digestive system

Cacao powder: Boosts your energy levels and metabolism

Hemp hearts: Have twice as much protein as chia seeds.

Cinnamon: helps regulate your blood glucose levels. The last thing you want from your smoothie is a sugar rush, which can give you quick energy and then have you crash real hard.

Cayenne pepper: Helps curb your appetite and boost you metabolism naturally.

Nutrition Info You Can Trust

Our in-house associate nutritionist holds a Masters degree in Human Nutrition, a bachelors degree in Sports Science and English, and a Diploma in Personal Training. She has over 15 years of experience in the health and fitness industry, working with leading health clubs, equipment manufacturers, and one-to-one clients.

Recommended Reading: Raw Sugar Moisture Smoothie

Also Check: White Chocolate Powder For Smoothies

Foods To Boost Metabolism

Our bodies need proper fuel to keep up with the demands of daily activities. It’s important that the calories we consume, especially if we’re trying to lose weight, gain muscle, or just improve our performance, are quality calories.

A protein bar may be high in calories and full of nutrition, but it won’t fill you up in the same way a plate of salmon, brown rice and steamed veggies will. But a high-quality vegan protein bar can give you the energy you need to power through a workout or recover from one.

What does that mean? It means that recipes need to tick off several boxes: healthy fats, protein, complex carbs, vitamins and minerals and/or a combination of all of the above. The above fat-burning smoothies have all that and more!

Want to skip a step and add protein and healthy fats to your smoothie in one step?Check out my Protein Smoothie Boost! Clean protein? Check. Healthy fat? Check. Helpful fiber? Check. No sweetness or artificial nonsense? Check! Protein Smoothie Boost is a great partner in your fight to burn fat with this smoothie!

Dry Ingredients: Give Your Smoothie Superpowers

10 Weight Loss Green Smoothies

Spirulina and super greens are nutrient-rich powders to boost your smoothies. Spirulina is a high-protein algae with almost every essential vitamin and mineral. Supergreens combine plant extracts for a rich nutrient profile.

These include huge doses of vitamins A, C, E, and K. Youll also get most of the B vitamins for metabolism and hormone support. The mineral content is just as impressive. Iron, copper, and manganese content are all above 100% of your daily needs.

Matcha green tea powder is one of the best ingredients for any smoothie recipe. It contains caffeine and theanine to support metabolism and mental performance and mood. Its also a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory.

Turmeric, ginger, and cinnamon are spice superfoods. Theyre in the best smoothies and offer many benefits:

  • Combating inflammation
  • Regulating blood sugar and insulin
  • Reducing the effects of stress and anxiety
  • Supporting muscular recovery after exercise
  • Improving digestion

These are perfect additions and make your new smoothie diet healthier.

Read Also: How Do I Make A Smoothie

Almond Milk Chia Smoothie

Do you really have a sweet tooth? Be sure to try this yummy smoothie. It will surely kick-start your weight loss journey. Have the smoothie for breakfast and get rid of the extra kilos.

You just need almond milk, chia seeds, ripped banana, cacao powder, roasted almond flakes, and shredded dark chocolates. Put all the ingredients into a blender .

Mix the content well and blend until you get a smooth, chocolaty texture. Next, pour your smoothie into a glass and add the shredded dark chocolate, followed by roasted almonds. Voila, your weight loss drink is ready!

What Can I Put In My Smoothie To Lose Weight

When it comes to weight loss, there are a lot of different things that you can put into your smoothie to help. Here are just a few ingredients that can help you lose weight:

1. Protein powder Protein is essential for helping to build muscle and lose fat. Adding protein powder to your smoothie will not only help you feel fuller for longer, but will also give your metabolism a boost.

2. Green tea Green tea is packed with antioxidants and nutrients that have been shown to promote weight loss. It can also help to increase energy levels and improve mental clarity. 3. Coconut oil Coconut oil is rich in healthy fats that can help to boost metabolism and promote satiety. It can also help to reduce cravings for unhealthy foods.

4. Chia seeds Chia seeds are an excellent source of fiber, which can aid in weight loss by promoting fullness and preventing overeating. They are also high in protein and omega-3 fatty acids, both of which have numerous health benefits.

Read Also: Frozen Fruit Vs Fresh Fruit Smoothies

Can I Drink A Green Smoothie Every Day

Yes, but do not totally depend on these drinks and have some other healthy foods consisting of various vitamins, nutrients, healthy fats, protein and fibre foods that are not high in calories to maintain a balanced diet routine.Having just smoothie drinks for all the meals can create an imbalance in the body and can lead to weakness. Therefore, have them as a meal replacement or with a healthy balanced diet.

How Can Green Smoothies Maximize Belly Fat Loss


Green smoothies can help speed up belly fat loss in various ways.

Manaker tells us, “Drinking green smoothies can help you eat vegetables, which are low-calorie foods with natural fiber to help promote satiety. No need to drink a green smoothie every single day. But in a pinch, enjoying them can help you meet your veggie needs and support weight management goals.”

A study published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics discovered a link between consuming vegetables and . The best part? You can reap the rewards even when eating vegetables in small amounts.

Another study published in the Journal of Nutrition associated fiber with weight loss, which we know vegetables are chock-full of. For instance, one medium-sized avocado typically has anywhere from 10 to 13 grams of fiber.

What’s more, the additional ingredients you’re filling up your smoothie with have their own great benefits, too. One medium-sized banana contains a bit over 3 grams of fiber, and it’s a stellar source of potassium. In addition, research shows that consuming blackberries can substantially boost your insulin sensitivity and fat oxidation.

RELATED: Eat These High-Fiber Snacks Every Day for Weight Loss, Dietitian Says.

Read Also: Are Fruit Smoothies Good For You

Increases Consumption Of Fruits And Vegetables

The American Cancer Society recommends that we eat 5-9 servings of fruits and vegetables each day to prevent cancer and other diseases. Green smoothies are a quick and convenient way to get your vegetables and dark, leafy greens without tasting them. The fruit masks the flavor, so even though all you taste is fruit, you are still consuming a healthy dose of spinach, kale, carrots, and any other vegetable you add.

Recommended Reading: Smoothie King Slim N Trim Recipes

Lemon Kale Protein Detox

Putting lemon in your blender is like taking out a nutrition insurance policy for your smoothie. That’s because a significant percentage of the antioxidant polyphenols in any food or drink break down before they reach your bloodstream. But researchers at Purdue University discovered that adding lemon juice to the equation helped preserve the polyphenols.

  • ½ lemon, peeled and seeded
  • ½ frozen banana
  • ½ cup unsweetened almond milk
  • 1 scoop plain plant-based protein powder

NUTRITION: 254 calories / 7 g fat / 20 g carbs / 5 g fiber / 10 g sugar / 30 g protein

Recommended Reading: Tropical Smoothie Cafe Joplin Mo

Below You Will Find These 10 Best Green Smoothies For Weight Loss:

  • Metabolism Boosting Green Smoothies
  • Scrub Yourself Clean Green Smoothie Recipe
  • Purple Passion Green Smoothies
  • Grown Up Strawberry Banana Green Smoothie
  • Apple Pie Green Smoothie Recipes
  • Electric Green Boost Weight Loss Smoothies
  • Sweetie Pea Green Detox Smoothie Recipe
  • Crisp Mango Cucumber Green Detox Smoothie
  • Green Tropical Smoothie
  • Crazy for Kale Detox Smoothie Recipe
  • The below 10 smoothie recipes for weight loss go great with the green smoothie diet plans below

    Keep scrolling for recipes, and for information on how to make a weight loss smoothie DIY.

    Grown Up Strawberry Banana Green Smoothie

    6 weight loss smoothies that WON

    This is another really good recipe if youre just starting out with green smoothies.

    The flavor is divine, and you can hardly taste any of the spinach, since smoothie with spinach tend to be milder tasting. You mostly just taste the banana and strawberry flavors with a hint of vanilla. Fruit smoothies recipes generally taste mostly like fruit, and this is one of the best green smoothie recipes I know.

    Bananas are extremely healthy and delicious. They provide several essential nutrients, and have benefits for digestion, heart health and weight loss .

    Don’t Miss: Smoothie With Frozen Fruit And Milk

    Metabolism Boosting Green Smoothie

    This is a twist on a classic green smoothie recipe. Its a spinach smoothie recipe which blends perfectly with the delicious flavors of strawberry and oranges . Smoothies with spinach are some of my favorite green smoothie recipes.

    The metabolism boosting secret is the almond milk, which contains extra protein and creaminess. Studies have shown that protein increases the thermic effect of food due to the extra calories required to digest it. This causes a rise in your metabolic rate .

    How Many Calories Does This Recipe Have

    Each serving of our smoothie recipe gives 141 calories. 82% of the calories are from the fruits, spinach, and Greek yogurt.

    Unlike other smoothies, green smoothies have a lot of fiber that prevents all of the sugar from absorbing too quickly. This means you wont experience a sugar rush, but will feel full for longer while drinking less than 1 cup of smoothie.

    If you prefer a green smoothie with fewer calories, feel free to omit the 2 tablespoons of sugar. Your drink should be less sweet, more natural, and yield only 115 calories.

    Don’t Miss: What Is The Best Smoothie For A Diabetic

    How To Make Healthy Smoothies

    You can put nearly anything into a smoothie. But most consist of liquid , fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts , supplements like protein powder, maca or matcha, and toppings , says Ryan Andrews, a registered dietitian and author of A Guide to Plant-Based Eating.

    The key to making it healthy is to strike the right balance of vegetables, fruit, protein and fat, says Miranda Hammer, a registered dietitian and natural foods chef based in New York. The smoothie is a really great way to get in those key foods, Hammer says. When you make this type of smoothie, you have the foundation for a healthy breakfast or snack.

    Protein can come from unsweetened nut butter, chia, hemp or flax seeds, plain yogurt or nut milk. And fat, which helps fill you up, is the other key factor in a smoothie. Good sources of fat in smoothies are salt and sugar-free nut butter, chia, flax, sesame, or hemp seeds, flax oil, coconut meat, coconut yogurt, or full-fat organic yogurt, Hammer says.

    For an additional nutritional boost, she recommends adding ingredients such as maca, acai powder, lucuma, cacao, spirulina, herbs like cilantro or parsley and spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger or turmeric.

    Will A Smoothie Help Me Lose Weight

    8 Healthy Green Smoothies For Weight Loss

    There are TONS of smoothies and shakes out there claiming to do this, but forget the labels and ads and think about what’s gonna work for YOU.

    When it comes to a weight loss smoothie, its gotta hit 3 things for me to call it a winner:

  • It must be affordable to continue doing this every single day.
  • It has to deliver the results it promises: boost my metabolism, keep me full and not hangry, actually nourish my body, etc).
  • It’s gotta taste great . I want to crave this day after day and feel better when I have it!
  • The recipe I’m sharing here helped me lose 7 pounds when I was a young exhausted mom of 2 under 4with no energy and a few post baby extra pounds I needed to lose. They say “you’ve gotta exercise to lose the weight”, but when youre too tired to do that youve gotta try something else. And this is the secret sauce to jump start my energy levels and my weight loss journey.

    Also Check: Where To Buy Spirulina For Smoothies

    Free Green Smoothie Online Class

    Green Smoothie Detox.drop a whole dress size in one montheat on the go natural ingredientssimple and quick to makedelicious

    Lund University in Sweden recently observed the effect of spinach in a study on losing weight.

    The results suggest that the leafy veggie can contribute to weight loss when part of a persons diet.

    The main find was that spinach gives satiety of cravings for homeostatic hunger, which is the real hunger a person experiences with basic energy needs and hedonic hunger, which is the drive to receive pleasure from eating food.

    There are hormones that suppress cravings and deliver satiety signals to the brain, but they dont transmit quickly enough when eating sweets, processed and fast foods.

    Researchers explain that spinach slows down the digestion process, which allows enough time for the release of intestinal hormones and signals to the brain youre full.

    This is thanks to thylakoids found in the spinach which make it possible to suppress hedonic and homeostatic hunger without the urge to snack or eat unhealthy foods.

    Top 10 Weight Loss Smoothie Recipes

    Weight loss smoothies can be a bit hardcore, but I believe it will help you see results more quickly when combined with an awesome exercise goal. I hope you try these recipes and love the results when you are consistently drinking them:

    Meal Replacement Smoothie– Smoothies are considered the healthiest fast food because you can make a quick, filling meal in five minutes! Put that theory to the test with this lovely berry smoothie.

    Anti-Inflammatory Smoothie– Chronic inflammation keeps our bodies from reaching their full potential. Fight that head-on with this soothing smoothie recipe.

    Beginner’s Luck Green Smoothie– This is THE best green smoothie! It’s been voted #1 by far and is both delicious and nutritious.

    Apple Celery Smoothie– The green smoothie of all green smoothies, this one’s got a healthy boost and a unique ingredient list.

    Pineapple Ginger Smoothie– Fresh ginger has so many health benefits, and paired with pineapple is quite easy to digest.

    MCT Oil Smoothie– Your metabolism needs fat to help digest food. MCT oil is an easy and efficient way to get healthy fat into your body.

    Chocolate Weight loss Smoothie– Gain natural energy and burn fat with this yummy cacao-filled smoothie.

    Smoothie for Brain Fog– Clear the cobwebs and benefit from better focus with this genius smoothie.

    Raspberry Smoothie– Is it a dessert or a smoothie? This creamy, ruby smoothie is healthy and just plain pretty.

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    Final Thoughts On Green Smoothie Recipes

    Its a fact that once you take the steps to take care of your health by eating nutrient-rich foods, youll also start looking at other areas in your life you can improve to attain health in body, mind, and spirit.

    Its an exciting journey towards becoming the best version of yourself.

    But if youre looking for more of a done for you type of green smoothie, then I recommend checking out this product that also tastes delicious and is full of ingredients like shwagandha, wheatgrass, matcha green tea, spirulina, and moringa. Or you can read this review where you talk about other green juice powders.

    Crisp Mango Cucumber Green Smoothie

    Weight Loss Smoothies

    This is really tasty fruit smoothie thats got a light creamy texture and great flavor. It contains lots of antioxidants and other beneficial nutrients.

    This green smoothie weight loss recipe will help boost metabolism and reduce bloat!

    Mangoes contain soluble fiber and a wide range of antioxidants, as well as high amounts of vitamin A and vitamin C .

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    What Is The Best Time To Drink Smoothies For Weight Loss

    When it comes to weight loss, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. However, many experts agree that drinking smoothies can be helpful for weight loss. The best time to drink a smoothie for weight loss is typically in the morning or before a workout. This gives your body time to digest and absorb the nutrients from the smoothie, which can help boost your metabolism and energy levels throughout the day. If youre looking to lose weight, adding a nutritious smoothie into your daily routine is a great way to do so.

    Not only are they packed with vitamins and minerals, but they can also help keep you feeling full and satisfied throughout the day. When it comes to choosing the best time to drink your smoothie, there are a few things to consider.

    For starters, most people find that drinking their smoothie first thing in the morning helps them start their day off on the right foot. This provides their bodies with much needed nutrients and energy, which can jumpstart their metabolism for the day ahead. Additionally, drinking a smoothie before or after a workout can also be beneficial for those looking to shed some pounds. The nutrients in the smoothie will help replenish any lost energy from working out, as well as aid in muscle recovery afterwards.

    Ultimately, there is no wrong time to drink a smoothie if youre hoping to lose weight just be sure that its packed with healthy ingredients like fruits and vegetables!

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